Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"You little brat! Clean it up!!" He shoved me onto the floor and I landed into the pile of broken glass. I felt something warm rush down my arm and there was a huge gash and some blood on the floor, "How could anyone love you?!" He kicked me down and my face hit the broken glass. He dragged me up and threw me into my room. He locked the door and I opened my window, escaping to Amelia's. I walked up to her door and knocked. A second later, Amelia opened the door and all of a sudden, I was grabbed from behind and thrown onto the sidewalk. I came face to face with my father –"

 I woke up with a scream and I was alone in our suite. Tears flooded down my eyes as I got out of bed and went to Zak's. I walked next to him and shook his shoulder. He groaned and looked at me, rubbing his eyes.

"What's- honey, what's wrong?"

"Bad....dream" I choked out before he helped me onto the bed and onto his lap.

He pulled me to his chest and let me cry it out.

"You're okay now. You're safe, sweetie", I nodded and pulled away, wiping my eyes, "I love you, sweetheart," he smiled at me.

"Love you too. I have a question..."

"Yeah, Annie?"

"Can I"

"Yeah, you can, sweetheart," I laid my head back on his chest and we sat in silence before he spoke up again," Can I adopt you, honey?" I nodded and he put his arms around me, laying down and putting the covers around us. He kissed my forehead before I fell asleep to the rise and fall of his chest.

I woke up the next morning still on his chest and tried to roll off of his chest, but his arms were resisting me.

"'s like...6:30..... I poked his cheek until his eyes opened. He groaned and opened his eyes.

"Morning, Annie,"

"Morning....can you let me go so I can get dressed?" I smiled and he let me go, chuckling. I hopped off the bed and walked to the dresser, taking out a pair of jeans, a plain light purple tee-shirt and a navy blue baby doll tank top. I walked to the bathroom, changed, walked back out, and slipped on some purple socks to go with my purple and white polka-dotted converse. Zak was just grabbing clothes to get dressed and went into the bathroom. I walked off to the bathroom and French- braided my long, red hair. I waited in a chair for Zak and heard the guys walk in.

"Annie, where's Zak? We have breakfast," Aaron asked when Nick walked in with donuts from Dunkin' Donuts and juice.

"He went to get dressed,"

"Okay," Nick the donuts on the table and went to grab plates and cups. I grabbed a chocolate eclair donut and a glazed chocolate donut and poured myself some orange juice. I started eating and looked to see Nick and Aaron staring at me.

"What?" I asked mouth full of donut. They shook their heads and laughed, sitting down, "I'm hungry," I heard Zak come out and then felt him kiss my head before he sat down next to me. They all eventually grabbed breakfast and we were on the road to Fall River. It was only an hour to the Bed and Breakfast. We were greeted by the manager, Lee-Ann. I could see something freaky in her eyes and I grabbed Zak's hand, staring at her. One of my hands grasped his and another grasped his forearm.

"The only axe you will have are those earrings," he looked freaked out as well and stroked my hand with his thumb, gently squeezing it. After interviewing Lee-Ann and the Lauren and Kat, I went to explore around the house. About 30 minutes later, I heard Zak calling for me, but when I started to walk out of the room when I started to feel really cold. My vision began to bur and I felt myself being pushed to the ground. I couldn't get up and my world was invaded with a darkness I could not control.

I felt myself coming back and my eyes flickered open. I woke up to see Nick and he immediately turned to Zak, "Zak, she's awake," He turned his attention and helped me sit up.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" I shrugged and felt tears pooling at my eyes. He sat on the bed and gathered me in his lap, softly rubbing my back. He kissed my forehead and he rocked me, trying to calming me down.

"I was walking out to meet you and I felt really cold all of a sudden, and then I felt myself being pushed to the floor. I fainted after that, "I said, pulling away from his chest. Zak nodded and set me on the bed before standing up. He got out a recorder, turned it on, and set it out.

"So who just pushed my daughter??" No noise, no sound, "I demand to know why you would push a little girl," After doing the EVP, they caught one saying "Lizzie hates her...beware," Zak's eyes just widened and he went into the other room with Nick. I got up from the bed and overheard them talking.

"Shit....I can't have her here. She'll get hurt and it'll be my fault,"

"Just have her glued to your side and nothing should happen to her,"

"You don't have to worry about me," He turned towards me and walked to me.

"Annie, sweetie...I am always going to worry about you whether you are fine or not," I nodded and looked at him, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm good," he nodded, kissed my hair, and led me out of the room.

"Good, sweetheart,"


Late into the investigation, we sat around in the living room with the physic, Liz, and the tour guide, Eleanor. They were trying to get through Lizzie, Andrew, or Abby. Liz got to Andrew instead and he was not the least happy we were here. I started to feel really uneasy when Liz and Zak were talking to him.

"You little bitch......I should have killed you...." I looked around to see if anyone else heard the voice and nobody had. They were all paying attention to Liz and Eleanor. All of a sudden, my head started throbbing with pain as he continued to yell at me.

"Zak....he's at it with Annie," Liz told him, "He's yelling at her, he knows....Robert," Zak turned to me and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. My head felt like it was splitting open and I bit my lip from crying out. Nick started to feel nauseous as well. Zak grabbed me and placed me in his lap with face facing his chest. He started rubbing my back, but it didn't help. He was still swearing at me and my head as still throbbing.

"Ow!" I cried out and I heard keys jingling and Zak whispering, "Thanks". He scooped me up in his arms and we walked out of the house. He sat on a bench and I just kept my face to his chest.

"Annie, it's're safe now," At this point, I was crying.

"Daddy, he hated me and he was swearing at me. Why?? I didn't do anything. Before it all happened, I heard "You b-word, I should've killed you", He knew Robert and that was Robert's voice," I wrapped my arms around his middle and cried softly. After about 15 minutes, we went back in and Zak went in and sat down with me in his lap.

"Robert, are you here? If you are, why are still trying to make her feel like shit? Tell me," he had the spirit box and it was making a static noise.

"She isn't mine....'member Savannah?"

"Yes, I remember Savannah, but she told me it was yours..."

"She's not......She's yours, "I looked up at Zak and his eyes were widened. All of a sudden, I started to feel dizzy and I felt myself falling the other way, but strong hands caught my arms before I blacked out. 

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