Ch. 4| The Guilt Trip

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Things to Know~
•(Y/N)- Your Name
•(L/N)- Last Name
•(J/T)- Jury Title
•(F/C)- Favorite Color
•(W/T)- Weapon Type
•(N/N)- Nick name

-Play song-
|Your POV|
"So Ivy's the One controlling Tu'La taking Over Ru'an... But why what does she want! What could she possibly what with everyone?" Aphmau clenched her fist,
"I can't answer that, But Ivy she Envies anyone who has more power than her, She been looking for this relic. Call the Ro'Meave Relic..." 
Garroth sat shocked,
"What? Ro'Meave relic? Where did my- the Ro'Meave have this relic?"
"I don't know that was classified information, Ivy had researcher do her work and Zane was the only one who really knew about it and I guess Zane was pronounced Dead."
"Uh... Yeah.." Aphmau looked away looking down at her wrist where a red bandana was tied around, a tear dropped from her cheek.
"Aphmau?" I was confused what did I say to make get upset?
"Just please..." She mumbled,
"(Y/N)... May I have a word with you" Katelyn said, "yes, Why of course" we walked outside, Katelyn sighed.
"The reason Aphmau is upset is because a very close friend of ours died with Zane.."
"What do you mean?"
"Aaron sacrifice his life to save Garroth, in the process Killing Zane. Garroth was stuck In the Irene dimension when his brother corrupted him and making Garroth go evil, But Aaron saved him but sadly dying in the process..."
"Wait... A...Aaron did you say?
"Uh- Katelyn did he happen to used to be a lord?"
"Um Yeah why?"
I quickly walked back inside, I looked at Aphmau.
"Aphmau... It's my fault..."
"You're Fault? What is?"
"Aaron D..Death... He would have been alive if it wasn't for me..." I started to tear up.
"I said Go! How dare you!" Aphmau yelled and tears were dripping from her eyes, I ran outside and ran out of the small part of the village to the larger part. Tears streaming out of my face it was all my fault Aaron was dead.... My old Lord... It was my fault he was dead..  I ran out of of the gates and made it to the place where Aaron and Zane had died... I looked all at the explosion hole and couldn't imagine what had happened, all of this was because of me... I feel to my knees and cried, Cried for all that I have done... I'm a horrible person, killed my own village... Killed innocent people... How could anyone trust me?
Falcon claw had become very poor in recent times, Lord Aaron had become very stressed lately. I've decided to help my village in anyway I could, I joined the Jury of nine.. O'khasis said it would help my village and make everyone safe and our lives would go back to normal. Once I had Joined the Jury The commander Zane had given me Powers of the Jury... It felt good to have such power.
Months later-
Zane told me to destroy a village, This is going to be easy. I've trained with the highest Jury Member Ivy the Venom scythe, oh I hope to be like her one day! Zane brought me to a village but wouldn't tell me what this village was, I walked around and I looked to familiar. Saw familiar people but I couldn't wrap my brain around it, I watched as Zane pulled out a relic/Jewel type thing and the village dropped, everyone died where they were standing... I watched as lifeless bodies hit the ground, It finally struck me... I was in falcon claw, I ran to the lords house.
"M'Lord where are you?" I yelled, I heard the mocking of Zanes Evil laugh portray thought the entire village. I found Aaron's Wife cradling her dying Son in her arms.
I saw the life fade from her eyes, what have I done... Zane manipulated me.... I did this my whole village gone..
"(Y/N)!" Zane called, I stormed out of the house with (W/T) in hand and changed into my jury form.
"You made me do this! How could you!" I screamed, Zane blocked my (W/T) with a Long black broad sword, his form changed...
"Heh, your still under my command (J/T) so you still will listen to me, Put the (W/T) down.."
I hesitated, but as I was commanded I pulled my (W/T) away from him, his evil smile appeared on his face.... Why would anyone want to be apart of the jury....
End of flashback~
My whole village gone because of me.... Aaron's life taken away all because I couldn't kill Zane or Ivy.... It my fault! I cupped my face in my hands and sobbed into them.... I felt a hand rest of my shoulder, I was guessing it was One of them. I turned to see a man standing with a black jacket on, I turned more and saw his face....

Duh duh! Sorry but another cliffhanger~ oops sorry. Not sorry.
Hope you enjoyed my little Buggles❤️

Hey don't get mad, only a writer can do so much.... The suspense is probably killing you right!😂
I know, I know I'm soo evil.

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