Ch. 21| Her eyes.

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Her arms suspended Up in chains. The lifeless body Kneels on the ground only being held up by the shackles locked around her wrist. A shadow Casts over the motionless body, standing prominently with a stance of power. The shadow becomes smaller as the figure became closer.

"It's such a shame that her heart will be crushed- Heh." A Deep voice Says in a sarcastic tone.

The clanking of armor grew louder as it came closer to the body. The figure Looked down upon the Women with a smirk. He lifted up her head, taking ahold of her chin, her eyes barely open and not being able to take Conscience.

"(Y/N) You are Very Beautiful." He says as her Caresses her cheek with his thumb. "Such a shame That you'll be dead. Your Beautiful on the outside, but Rotten on the inside." He chuckled grimly. "Irene's Pupil- She wouldn't let her die alone." He Let do of her face and her head feel so easily, the Figure walked away.

"They will come for you and once they do, Irene and her Pupil will die together." The foot steps grew Quiet, not a sound but the crackling of Lava. Her chains were strain tight from her weight being put upon the shakes. Desperately trying to retain a breath she sat with no movement..


"They won't get very far in the nether, Don't be a fool Garroth! They set one foot in the nether they're dead. Soon brother, You will be too." The older of the brothers held his badly Wounded Arm, the chainmail of his armor was broken so the wound was exposed, the blood seeped through his fingers. His breath sharpened and was desperate for a deep breath but Zane wasn't going to let hat happen.

Zane saw the chance to strike down Garroth once and for all- Garroth Couldn't do a thing. One last Look at his brother, Garroth smiled at Him.

"Baby brother-" Garroth Closed His eyes taking that deep breath he longed for.

"Garroth, You can't die. Not yet." He heard the voice in his head, "think About who You are living for."

His eyes shot open, He saw every move play out as Zane's sword Shed right for him. A shine of gold wrapped around Garroth's wounded arm, He Felt His energy come back to him. His sword grip tightened and Quickly bring it between him and Zane's sword. The impact was Loud, the ring of the metal clashing on each other stung their ears.

"I WILL NOT DIE. NOT YET, NOT TO THE HANDS OF YOU!" Garroth Push the swords apart; sending Zane Back.

Zane Looked petrified, He stepped back. "Uh- How?" Garroth abruptly kicked down Zane, pointing his sword at his throat.

"You have The Ro'Meave Relic- No wonder Your Power increased..." He said Out of breath. Garroth Stuck his sword in the Ground Next to Zane's Face, Zane Weakly Laughed Holding His Stomach. "Why don't You just Kill me?- You now have the upper hand. Take that chance."

"I won't strike a man while they are unarmed and Down." He kept his hand on the halt of the sword.

"Be who Our ancestor was- He took any chance he could to get his final vengeance on those who did him wrong. Be a Ro'Meave and just kill me!"

"A Ro'Meave wouldn't do such a Thing! Unlike You, who scared our name forever..." Zane Laughed Again,

"They Why didn't You kill me When You had the chance to?" Slyly the younger Ro'Meave said.

"Because I want You to guide me through the nether." Blunt and with confidence Garroth Spoke.

"What?!" He attempted to get up but Garroth Pointed his sword Back again at his throat.

"I won't say it again. You will do it." Garroth turned the sword flat and looked down at the end, His younger brother Sat Horrified.

"You want a death wish? I will just get you and everyone killed! Shad will take down anyone to kill me!"



|Unknown POV|

I ran Up to her, She was shaking and lashes upon her Once radiant skin, Her head was held down and body tense with pain. I knelt down and lifted Up her head. Her lips quivered as she tried to speak, I Cupped her head gently in my hands. Her eyes were Tightly shut, some tears managing to escape the clutch.

"P-Please..." she managed to say, I stood Up and Ran over to the The lever where it Kept the chains up, and Loosened it, Her body fell to the ground and she held her arms. I walked over to her and Hesitantly place my hand on her arm, she jumped and cried For me to stop.

What did they do to her?.. when I find out- I will kill them.

"(Y/N).. I-It's okay, It's me." I gently Rub her arm and Turn her toward me. She Cried for Aphmau, She wasn't just damaged physically but mentally.

I slowly Pull down my hood and the mask and Pulled her Close to me. Cradling her in my arms, I felt hers wrap around me. As I looked down at her, she looked up at me. Her eyes Were very Glassy, Filled with pain, And plastered with fear.

With her strength she remained with after what happened, she placed her hand on my cheek and forced a smile.

"What in the name of Irene did they do to you?..."

"Doesn't matter.. It's what I was told that hurts the most. But all that aside, I'm just glad to see you- Uh."

It's kinda a shorter chapter then I wanted it to be... but anyways,
Sorry this had been on Just a Hold, I put it on hiatus because I was out of ideas... BUT I was struck with SOO many opportunities I didn't know I had to go to this book!
So yeah... this won't happen again. Hopefully:3

I will try and get another chapter out Sunday, but for now I leave you with sooo many unanswered Questions!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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