Ch. 8| The Dark Lord

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Things to Know~
•(Y/N)- Your Name
•(L/N)- Last Name
•(J/T)- Jury Title
•(H/C)- Hair color
•(F/C)- Favorite Color
•(E/C)- Eye color
•(W/T)- Weapon Type
•(N/N)- Nick name

-Play Song- (Quietly for effect)
|Your POV|
"Who are you!"
I yelled, my voice echoed through the whole place. Her pale eyes narrowed at me and she let out a evil laugh.
"Nerzzra, Nerzzra The Dark Lord. The seventh divine warrior." (Picture above is Nerzzra, What I want her to look like)
"Not possible! All the divine are gone!" Aphmau yelled, our weapons held up towards her and a smile peered on her lips.
"My sweet, sweet aphmau. Nothing's impossible, everything is possible."
"How do you know my name!"
Nerzzra laughed,
"I know all your names. I know all about you two."

How is this possible?

"(Y/N)! Aphmau?" A Voice yelled coming down the corridor that we came through. Laurance and Garroth ran towards us, then stoped dead in there tracks.
"Ah look a Ro'meave and a Shadow knight." Nerzzra said,
"How in the name of Irene..... How do you know me?" Garroth asked.
"Garroth Ro'meave, son of Garte, and Zianna Ro'meave. Pronounced dead. Along with Vylad and now Zane. Garroth I know you have the relic, your power will only grow. Esdmund would want that." Nerzzra had a evil smirk escape her lips. Garroth stood blankly with nothing to say.
"Oh! And now for the Pre-mature shadow knight, Laurance."
"Don't call me that!" Laurance yelled pulling out his emeral sword.
"Now, now Laurance. Hmm, isn't it calling for you?" Nerzzra said.

Calling? What's calling.

"Stop! Just stop!"
Laurance yelled, but his voice much deeper. Slow I saw the red take over his blue eyes and him slowly changing, Laurance is a shadow knight...
"Well why Laurance, don't you wanna hear what I have to say?"
"I don't care what you have to say or who you are, but if you hurt anyone I will end your life!" 
"Tsk Tsk.... Hm (Y/N)..." Nerzzra evilly smiles. He pale purple eyes started at me with a look that I knew all too well... Zane and Ivy used it all the time.
"(Y/N)...(Y/N) I know you don't know much about your past hm... That's right isn't it" she took up from her throne and walked over to me, He dark purple hair trailing behind her with Purple particles sparking around her ever movement.
"Yes it is true" I said nonchalantly. Her smirk appeared again but much different, She looked apon me like I was a lower life form than her.
"Hm, My lovely." She came closer, I pulled my (W/T) up and pointed at her.
"Don't you come any closer! If you are really a Divine prove it where is your relic? If your a divine you have a symbol, why wouldn't you be mentioned?"
"My relic? Darling that's a secret.... But I truly am a divine, Just not a good one you might say."
"What do you mean! A secret, you witch! I see see right through that grim you call teeth. Divine be bad? No! Divine warriors are supposed to be help people and save this world." Laurance yelled, His form changed he wore blood stained armor and his voice was much deeper.
"Tell that to shad, Shad the destroyer, What a handsome fellow I should say but shad was evil too. Who else could have caused the the War hm? The war of the Magi all about the fight of shadow Knights and humans, But who's the shadow lord? Shad that's who.... And Laurance you remind me of him well, Temper out of control, Very, Very high strung." Her smirk grew.
"Should I continue on? Pre-mature shadow knight."
"That's it! Ahh!"
Laurance ran towards Nerzzra, His sword swung and but a loud Clash! Rang through our ears and echoed through the place. There stood Laurance looking down his sword with Nerzzra at the end but a long black broad sword sat in the middle. Nerzzra Laughed.
"Stupid! Laurance I am much more powerful than you!"
She swung and Laurance flew back her sword pointed at Him. His breaths were quick but He didn't stop, He tried kicking her sword out of hand but she was too quick. A golden light shines as the darkness disappeared, Garroth stood in the middle of Laurance and Nerzza with Beautiful blue and golden armor. He stood with is sword in the middle,
"Garroth!" We yelled.
Nerzza Smile wiped right off her face.
"Leave him alone! Don't you dare hurt any of them I would die for they got hurt!"
"My, My, My Garroth. The Ro'meave relic I see. Esmund would be proud, it's finally found its protector."
Garroth took the time to strike knocking Nerzzra to the ground. Holding his sword to Nerzzra.
"Why kill me? I'm the only one who knows about everything! Don't you know divine are only human! I'm just a frail human..... Don't hurt me"
"I'm not going to kill you, I'm simply taking you as a prisoner. You will answer all our questions with no lie! If I find out if you say one lie, your life with come to a quick end!" Garroth's eyes filled with anger as he held his sword up to Nerzzra's neck she muttered words we could not understand. "Aphmau, go get Katelyn, and Lucinda were going to need help getting out." Aphmau nodded and ran off into the darkness, I looked over and saw Laurance still on the ground.
"Laurance?" I whispered to him.
"What!" He yelled, His eyes were filled with rage. What had happened to the sweet Laurance we all know and love?
"Laurance calm down, it's alright."
"(Y/N) it's not alright!" He yelled and jumped up, He ran off.
"Laurance!" I started running after him, "let him go!" Garroth muttered,
"Laurance needs sometime to just think, He's a shadow knight and Right now he can't control himself, or His emotions." Garroth continued.
"So what your just not going to help him? Laurance is not okay right now and your just going to let him leave and keep beating himself down and making it worse!"
"(Y/N) Laurance could kill us, He's more powerful that he looks. One strike your dead! I know it's not what's friends do, but Laurance could kill you, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i just let you go." 
"Garroth is right" Nerzzra started.
"I don't wanna hear anything from you!" I shouted.
"Hm well then I guess you don't want to learn about your relic you have...."
Garroth hand her in his grasp and held his sword to her neck, He words were muttered and sentences were short.

How does she know all this?

"My relic?"
"Yes.. Your relic."
"That's not important right now! I'm not someone to worry about; We need to focus on important things right now."
"Tsk tsk, (Y/N) I know deep down inside your itching to know more."
"Shut up! (Y/N) said she didn't want to know!" Garroth said to Nerzzra,
"Wait what do you know about my relic?"
"(Y/N)! Garroth! We're here."
Lucinda, Travis, Katelyn and Aphmau all appeared thought the dark corridor,
"C'mon lets get out of here." Garroth muttered holding Nerzzra tight in his grasp. What I don't get is......

How does she know all this?
Is she really a divine...... She can't be...
Or is she?

~Continue next chapter~

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