t w e n t y - f i v e

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Luke POV

I watched Anna as she slept. That may sound crazy but now that I've almost lost her.. I don't even want to think of ever losing her.

Anna stirred in the hospital bed. She crinkled her face almost as if she were dreaming something bad. She opened her eyes and screamed.

The doctor rushed in and I grabbed her gently, trying to calm her down. At this point, she was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down her face.

I don't think she was fully awake yet. It seemed as if, even though she IS awake, she was still in the dream herself. " LIAR." She crinkled her eyes shut " YOU PROMISED TO STAY WITH ME! You're my one and only." She wouldn't stop crying

" Anna.. shh.. Anna.." I gently and calmly said to her

She started to slow down her breathing and return to her normal state of mind. Her eyes were bloodshot and red lines of tear stains were down her face making her cheek blotchy.

The doctor stood there. Seeming as if he knew I could handle her. He nodded at me, smiled and made his way out of the room.

" Anna, did you have a nightmare?" I asked

" I guess you could call it that." She sighed and put her head in her hands.

" What.. was it about?" I asked cautiously

" You.. and Ashton. And I know this would NEVER EVER happen but somehow I dreamt it and I couldn't control the fact that I dreamt it." She looked at me and swallowed a lump in her throat

" What about Ashton and I. What happened?" I asked

" Ashton was drunk. And he got out of hand. He found a gun. You and I entered the door of the house and he was VERY drunk and I was shocked to see him, like an evil glare in his eye, he had a look that could KILL." She stopped and looked at me, then continued " He aimed the gun at you and with a devilish grin, he shot." She stopped, for she couldn't go any further

" So he killed me..?" I looked at her

" Yes. Your blood was on my hands, it felt so real. I SWEAR TO GOD LUKE IF YOU EVER LEAVE ME..." She leaned into me for a hug

" Listen, I'm not gonna leave you. Not now, not ever." I held her hands in mine



Anna POV

" 1 grande mocha please." I put my money on the counter and the woman took it

I waited for my drink to be done. Once it was done, I took it and walked out of the place.Michael was dating Jordann and it's gotten serious. They started off with little facetime calls and now she's toured with us. They're not touring right now, the tour finished. Calum is dating my friend, Priscilla and it's going great between them. As for Ash, he's kind of spiraling.

Karina loves him with all her heart but they're drifting apart. No one saw it coming, not even them. Ash... he's been getting drunk, sleeping with other girls. Ash isn't like that. WE ALL know that. He's just in a bad place, I don't know why or what caused him to be this way but he is. Karina understands, she would never leave him, he's just going over a rough patch.

He's been distant. He doesn't care as much for me as he DID. He's forgotten who he used to be. He's a BITCH now and I can't control him.

My phone rang.

" Hello?" I said through the phone

" Hey Anna." Luke's sweet, chirpy voice rang in my ears

" Why did you call?" I asked, as sweetly as possible

" Guess what tomorrow is." He sounded excited

I smiled to myself.

" Your Birthday!" I could hear his voice go higher with excitement

'' You're not gonna do anything right?" I asked

" Totally, not." I could sense him grinning, he was totally fibbing about doing something for me

Well that's Luke for ya, right?

" Goodbye." I said and put the phone in the back pocket of my jeans

" Annabella?" I hear someone say my name

That voice sounded.. Familiar. Too familiar... I turn around to face a middle aged woman. Dark chestnut hair down to her shoulders. Sparkling blue eyes that look like mine.

It was.....

My mum.


( A/N)

Sorry this is really short and sucky but it's just a filler. I don't know when I'll update again but I am SO SO SO SO SO SORRY i haven't updated in a long time.

My Brother's Best Friend// Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now