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Luke POV

" Anna?" I asked, walking up to her

" I'm really-" She didn't finish, she just collapsed down

I instantly held my arms out and caught her. I looked down at her, she just passed out. Ashton will be pissed when I bring his little sister home, unconscious because she was drunk.

I put my arms around her and carried her out to my car. I laid her in the passenger's seat and buckled her up.

She was kind of cute when she was asleep.. but I still disliked her. She was kind of a bitch. But, I couldn't keep her laying on the concrete outside of a club at 10:00 at night.

I walked over to the driver's side of the car and got in. I started the engine and drove off to Ashton's house.

For some reason, I was still thinking of what she said earlier. About how she was used to being naturally hated and that her life wasn't always like this.. She was a mystery to me, and I kind of wanted to solve her.

Stop it Luke, I have to stop thinking about her!

I finally pulled up into Ashton's driveway. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side. I leaned over her and unbuckled the seatbelt. I carefully lifted her up and gently kicked the door shut.

I walked up to the door and kicked on the door, since my hands were already occupied.

A couple of minutes later, there was no response. It was freezing out here and he was taking his good old time to answer the door.

I kicked another time, this time a little bit louder.

A couple of seconds later, I heard footsteps running, and the door finally opened

" Sorry, I was upstairs-" He didn't finish his statement " Anna?" he looked down at my arms to see an unconscious Anna.

He raised his eyebrows. " What happened, is she okay?" He gestured for me to come in

" Er.. She was drunk and I was going to take her home and then she was complaining she didn't feel good and that she was tired and then I walked up to her and she passed out." I explained to him

He sighed and gently took her from me. He placed her down on the couch and then walked back over to me

" Thanks mate. I know you 2 dislike each other, but thanks for not just leaving her there drunk or passed out on the floor." He smiled

" Welcome, but this doesn't change anything.. I still dislike her." I told him, truthfully

" You just have to get to know her, I promise she's not a bitch." He said

" I'm not so sure." I said, looking over to Anna

" Mate, I swear to you.." He paused, looking back at her " She's the type of person that changes people's worlds. She definitely changed mine.. I couldn't ask for a better sister.. It's impossible to hate her forever.." He said, a hint of happiness in his voice

" That's kind of deep.." I said

" Well.. It's true." He turns back to face me

" Well, I should get back home." I said, changing the subject

" Yeah, and thanks again for bringing her home." He smiled

" No problem." I said as I walked out the door

During the drive home, I was thinking about a lot of stuff.. I don't know why, I just couldn't get Anna out of my head.. I mean, yeah.. She's a jerk and I dislike her, but there's just something about her..

I really need to figure her out...


Anna POV

( Btw it's the next morning )

I woke up to the sun brightly shining in my face.. I rolled over, avoiding the bright light.

All I remember from last night is going to the party, talking to Luke and then storming out. I had a pounding headache, so I'm assuming I got hammered last night.

I pulled off my covers to reveal I was still in the same clothes as last night. I hopped out of bed and got changed. I put on black leggings and a Blink 182 tee. I brushed out my messy hair and put it into a basic ponytail.

I walked down the stairs and saw Ashton listening to music on the couch. I swear, that guy never actually is in his own room.

I still had a pounding headache, so I went to the cupboard in search of aspirin. I grabbed an aspirin and popped it into my mouth, washing it down with cold water.

I walked over to the living room and sat on the couch next to Ashton.

" Are you mad at me?" I asked him

" No." He said blankly, taking out his earbuds " I was worried when I saw you passed out."

" Oh.." Was all I said " How did I get back home?"

" Luke showed up here around 10, with you passed out in his arms." He looked at me

" So, Luke brought me home?" I asked, to clarify

" Yeah.." He said

Why would Luke bring me home? I would have expected him to leave me unconscious on the sidewalk at the club rather than waste his time to bring me home.

" He denies it, but I think he cares about you." Ashton chuckles

No he doesn't. I hate him, he hates me. That was our relationship, a hate-hate relationship.

" Yeah right." I chuckled

" Please just tolerate him, for me?" Ashton asked, pretending to pout

" Fine, if he ever tolerates me, I'll tolerate him." I said

" He'll come around some point." Ashton half-smiled at me

" Maybe." I told him


( A/N)

Okay so I am sorry if this is bad.

I am trying to make my stories interesting and good.

What do you think ever happened to Anna? What is her backstory.. Luke's right, she is a big mystery.

Ashton is so sweet in this book.. ♥

Hope you guys enjoy it so far. Comment your thoughts ☺

My Brother's Best Friend// Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now