Chaz is so fucking cool, can you believe that dude secretly loves chickens.
Nobody knows so shut up and tell no one, not even your chicken. If you have one.
Yeah I know you probably wondering if chaz wasn't angry about his ice cream. But he got over it. Well he chased Jason all around this mansion. Yes it's definitely a mansion, you just don't know it.
I had to tell chaz that I was lying when I said that Jason gave me the ice cream because. Jason fucking McCann pointed at Flipping gun to my head.
I mean come on. I was only trying to get me out of trouble with the boy who secretly loves chickens.
Right now we are watching TV. All the boys are sitting on the couch except for chaz. He is sitting next to me on the floor and I'm sitting in between jason's legs, but he is on the sofa.
Soo...sel I've been really quiet for too long man, let's talk. inner me said.
Not now you idiot stop talking to me you'll make me seem like I'm crazy.
Bruh take your word back cause I ain't no fucking idiot. I'm not the one talking to herself now .
I'm not an idiot I'm perfectly fine.
I was very angry now. I'm sure I'm face is red because of how frustrated I am right now. Can you believe her calling me an idiot. Stupid.
"Uhmm..selena why are you making those faces. And why are you red." Ryan said, all of the boys were looking at me.
"No its just that she be calling me an idiot, do I like look like one, tell me honestly. I promise I won't be angry with you" I said.
Victor was the first one to say something " Yeah you do look like an idiot I mean who the fuck gets obsessed with chickens, out of all the things you chose to be obsessed with chickens."
"Hey I'm not a motherfucking idiot. I'm a straight A student. And don't go be judging me about my love for chickens okay, I love them they are so cute unlike your face doofus. You and who ever thinks that chickens suck....then bitch you swallow okay, you motherfucking swallow. You only know how to kill it and eat it huh....when you eating it. you'll be thinking 'oh my this tastes good...I love fried chicken " I spoke so quick that I didn't understand myself.
All the boys were looking at me. I was breathing so hard.
Who the fuck is he to be talking bad about my chickens.
Chaz came to be and hugged me, I just realized that tears were coming down but it was because of the frustration and anger.
Damn him.
"Calm down sel" chaz's soothing voice said. I nodded and Jason was looking at me with amusement in his eyes.
Oh so he finds this amusing huh.
Fuck him. I'm scared to say that out loud. Nigga already pointed a gun at me now hell just kill me.
"You should go to sleep" Jason said.
I nodded because I actually felt like sleeping right now.

I was bought ♡Jason MCcan♡
FanfictionA crimal is what he is. He's selfish but not that much. He cares but he never shows it. He has emotions like any other person around him but his are buried deep inside him. He's a murder but this is something he's not proud of. He's intelligent and...