S E L E N AOkay so dude has anger issues. I mean can you see how he is glaring at me right now.
I didn't do anything man, I just came here to ask for clothes. He finally decided to move his ass to his closet.
Which was a walk-in closet. I decided to wait here. I was rocking back and forth on my heel.
The boss decided to come back with clothes on his hands. He gave them to me and told me to hurry up.
I nodded and went to my room. I started singing while wearing the clothes that Mr sir gave me. Which was sweat pants and an over sized T-shirt with an....underwear.
Cough cough.
Im Sure he's never used this cause like it's smell new and he wouldn't give me an underwear that he's used.
Yeah I smelled his underwear. Got a prob....dude I say deal with it.
"Could you stop fooling around...your voice is horrible"
Okay...he thinks my voice is horrible...imma show him horrible.
"You think my voice is horrible...bitch imma show you horrible " I yelled.
"It's not like you could do better anyways...Stupid " I mutterd the last word.
Cause I wouldn't call him stupid for him to hear it. Dude already thinks highly of himself wouldn't wanna burst his ego. I'm sure his ego can't handle that.
Stupid you do realise that you just shouted that right?. Inner me said.
"What did you say...I'm not in the mood for you right now. Hurry up." Jason yelled.
I went to check myself and I looked okay...one thing was missing. And Jason has it like right now.
I went to him and the boys were with him. I went closer to him and took off his snapback and wore it. He looked at me and I gave him an innocent look. He stood up and went somewhere upstairs.
"Honestly girl, you are cool as fuck" Ryan said and chaz agreed with him, oh and mason. Except for Victor dude hates me.
Jason came back and he told chaz that he is driving. He and the boys were discussing some shit which I don't get.
I saw that I was still barefooted so I looked around and remembered that Victor wears the same size as me.
I'm very observant. I know things ;)
I went upstairs to his room and looked for a pair of shoes I could use.
There were vans. Hhm not my style.
There were all stars. Hmmm too mason-ish.
There were supras. Hmm too McCann-ish.
But you love his style. Inner me said.
"Gee that I can agree with you, for the first time congrats " I told myself
Actually it's the third time. She said.
"I really don't wanna debate right now" I said not really wanting to debate.
I went back downstairs. The boys were about to stand up. They looked at me.
"Aren't those my....shoes?" Victor question slowly but surely.
I gave him an innocent look.
"I don't know, I found them in your room. Atre they yours?"
Wuddup Wuddup
Love ya love ya

I was bought ♡Jason MCcan♡
FanfictionA crimal is what he is. He's selfish but not that much. He cares but he never shows it. He has emotions like any other person around him but his are buried deep inside him. He's a murder but this is something he's not proud of. He's intelligent and...