I was currently riding my skateboard in the hallway. Whistle the song that the guys and sel were singing earlier. I'm not a fan.
"Look who else is a fan of Demi, didn't expect it from you" I sighed.
I ignored Selena and continued what I was doing earlier. She just never gives up.
"May I try it"
I still said nothing.
"Please" I wasn't looking at her but I could tell that she was pouting.
Too bad I ain't having it.
I coninued.
And she continued to say please. She finally gave up and went away.
I sighed relieved that she went away.
I know I have said this a thousand times but she I annoying.
5 minutes later she comes back on a scooter, yea a scooter.
"Wooooohoooo" she screams clearly having fun and succeeding to make me angry.
But nah, I ain't giving in she is not getting a reaction from me.
"Ain't worry about nothin' ain't worry about nothing" she started singing.
She looked funny with the clothes she was wearing and the snap back.
She looked like a real nigga.
She wasn't looking at where she was riding so she bumped into the wall and fell. Hard. The scooter landed on her ankle. I'm sure it broke.
Well she deserved it.
"I think I broke my ankle" she said clearly in agony.
"Serves you right. This is karma for being a bitch earlier" Victor said, taki.g a video like he knew this was gonna happen.
"Help please" she said while shutting her eyes tightly.
I walked away. Victor go deal with this one.

I was bought ♡Jason MCcan♡
FanfictionA crimal is what he is. He's selfish but not that much. He cares but he never shows it. He has emotions like any other person around him but his are buried deep inside him. He's a murder but this is something he's not proud of. He's intelligent and...