Why, why..why!!
Why do girls have to take everything seriously, like really they just take things way to serious.
As the water runs down my body. I think of how Selena looked so pure, so nice, so so beautiful. This would be easier if she was ugly and not so tempting.
I look down to my dick to see that it aroused.
Oh come on. Settle down. Its just a thought and you get hard. I mean she wasn't even naked.
Yeah well tell that to my dick. Its really needs the prep talk.
The way her hair was on her face. The way her skin felt so soft under my touch.
"I need to stop, this is getting ridiculous" I mutter to myself and groan.
Her pouty lips. And her voice .
Oh God.
Why Selena whyyyyyy?
I turn on the cold water. I really seem to need it. After cooling down. I dry myself up.
With my hands itching to play my guitar, I go take it out of the closet and sit down and the floor.
Its relaxing to sit on my furry carpet.
I start to play and softly sing.
I hear my door open. The person is hesitating, letting me know that they dont want to be seen.
Okay then I'll play along.
I continue to play and sing. Soon Selena's scent hits me.
Ahh of course its her.. I mean who else.
I can feel her staring at me and its so intense.
"Its rude to stare you know" I say but continue to play.
She jumps in fright. I crack a small smile. I turn my gaze to her.
"Uhm I was just.. Uhm.. You know.. Just looking for my sock??" She tried to explain nervously
A sock? I chuckle at that. She's a real dummy.
"A sock? You sure? I mean you im not sure you have any socks do you ?" I ask.
"Fine. You got me geez. I just couldn't go back sleep " I said playing with her hands.
I pat the spot next to me for her to sit. She does. She really smells good. And those pink lips.
"Why you staring at me like that?"
See. You really gotta control your eyes man.
"I can't help it Selena" I confess softly.

I was bought ♡Jason MCcan♡
FanfictionA crimal is what he is. He's selfish but not that much. He cares but he never shows it. He has emotions like any other person around him but his are buried deep inside him. He's a murder but this is something he's not proud of. He's intelligent and...