After in dine with eating I went to collect all the dishes and were about to wash them.
"Hey there you" Ryan said washing his hands.
"Awe, BroRy what's up?" I asked glancing at him then back to the dishes in front of me.
"Oh nothing I'm just bored you know, hey do you need help with them dishes. Just to pass time"
"Yeah sure." I said moving up a bit so he can have space.
I started singing 'cool for the summer by Demi'.
Ryan started joining, we were having fun singing. Victor was sitting on the counter with his phone and Chaz was doing the same. But he soon switched it off and joined me and Ryan.
"Got ma mind on yoir body and yoir body on ma mind...got a taste for the cherry I just need to take a bite..." I sang.
"Don't tell your mother" chaz sang.
"Kiss one another " Ryan sang.
"Die for each other...we cool for the summer.!" Victor...literally yelled that part.
We all quiet down and looked at him. I mean come on, the is mean we didn't expect him to know the song.
Especially if the song is Demi's.
"What?? So I can't sing" he said clearly pissed off that we didn't expect him to join. He walked out of the kitchen pissed.
"Well so Victor is a fan of Demi Lovato." I said.
"Fuck off, I'm not" he yelled from wherever he is.
"Definitely is"

I was bought ♡Jason MCcan♡
FanfictionA crimal is what he is. He's selfish but not that much. He cares but he never shows it. He has emotions like any other person around him but his are buried deep inside him. He's a murder but this is something he's not proud of. He's intelligent and...