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"Selena you've been seriously quiet. Cheer up man" chaz said.

Honestly I wanna talk. Since Victor told me to shut. I did that, they started talking on their own. Fuck them.

" Ugh fuck keeping quiet. I was getting annoyed anyway. Screw that did yall see that farm that we just passed" I said excitedly. The dudes groaned.


"Are we there yet?" I asked while yelling.

"No" Jason answered. Finally he said something. I was getting worried, I get that the nigga doesn't like talking but he hasn't spoken a thing since the last 2 hours and a half.

That's not very humanic at all. Hey is humanic even a name?

Of coarse it's not, genius. Inner me said.

Fuck she's back isn't she.

Well excuse me for wanting to talk. She said.

Damn..well hi

"Are we there yet" I asked again.

"No" they all yelled.

I smiled at them.

I was bought ♡Jason MCcan♡Where stories live. Discover now