<The Nemesis>

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While I was unconscious...I dreamt about it...I dreamt about my nemesis...I knew it was just a dream but there it was...the clear night tragedy
The dream began as such....I was just a child about 4 or 5 years, I saw a man...I thought he was my father...he took me up in his arms....it felt good...I felt happy, but suddenly a woman cried,
"Michael....he is here...he has come..."
The man holding me was michael I thought to myself...
He indeed was michael when the woman that was shouting came towards the room shouting...she grabbed michael...and then looks on her face she was scared to death...

And then the walls of the room started to melt...they started to explode....
"No...Please No...leave him alone he hasn't done anything"
An entity kind of figure spoke in dual voices...one was so low pitched while the other just came off from damaging our ears such a pitch but speaking these together was so horrifying I couldn't bear it...it said "He shouldn't exist...He isn't created by Him...He must die."
The entity looked at me and it's hand were so demonic...its hands went up and....

The woman screamed and The man got a strange light in his hand he concentrated it and...
(...To be continued in forthcoming parts.)

<The Bearer Of Pain>

I woke up...I didn't know what to think or who to find...rather I saw Dr. Wilbert Williams, he was Dave's father...he was standing next to me preparing an injection...
"Do I really need that doc?"I said
" you're back Mark...you're back...do you know that you have been unconscious but perfectly healthy for over a month now?"he said
"OVER A MONTH?...how did this happen? What did I do?"
"I...We don't know what happened to you..we haven't saw what you had ever.."

"I bet Dave and Christine would be pretty exited to see me back on my feet again right?"
"Mark, can you get up?....I want to take you somewhere.."Mr. Williams said
"Where but?" I asked
"Let's just go..." he said with sadness in his eyes...
"Ok, no problem" I told him
I got into his car and he drove us to a graveyard...
"Wh...why are we here?" I asked in horror.
....No reply he didn't say anything...
He stopped the car and we walked to a gravestone labelled
"Here lay David Williams"
"Son of Wilbert Williams"
"Son of Samantha Williams"
"May he rest in peace"
"Wh...wha...what is this?" I asked
"It is what it is Mark..." Mr. Williams couldn't hold on...he began to shed tears on the sight of his lovely dead son..

I dropped to the ground...I couldn't believe it...and then with tears in my eyes as well I asked Mr. Wilbert..."what about Christine..?"
Mr. Wilbert looked me in the eyes trying to spare me the pain..."She didn't make it too Mark..."
I thought everything that I hoped my life would start with was gone...my only hope to live were both gone...I requested Mr. Wilbert to drive me home so that I could scream shout and feel the pain of loss...he said " it sounds ironic but they're gone too...you are alone to take care of yourself...be confident my child let's go I'll drop you home"
(He dropped Mark home and went home...)

Now even if I didn't admit it I was alone...it was so cold...so dark..so torturous...I cried.and shouted their name wishing they were alive but nothing could change...like I used to say, you cannot bring the dead back to life...
I felt a strange presence...I looked up..it was the entity I had seen in my dreams...
With his horrific voice he said to me
"Finally Mark Cervantes, We meet yet again..."


Is this Mark Cervantes's last few moments..? What was the entity doing at his home? Will Mark's life ever change..?

Find out in the next part.

Hi again, The story has began to take a shape comment your suggestions of what now will happen to Mark...and they might get published in this story...as always don't forget to vote comment and follow

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