<The Truth>

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"God" I murmured...
"You are right Mark, 'he' is God" Michael said smiling...

I looked upon him, with the aspiration for truth in my eyes, because that was all I could ever care for...he knew that in an instant...and smiled..
"Let go of him Michael...He is all good now" he said
"But, you do know that he is an axiom birth..." Michael replied afraid of me I think.

"I know who he is, leave him." He, God said and then looked at me..."let's go Mark...lets have a walk..."
I suddenly felt that my world opened up...it felt nostalgic but I agreed to go out with him.
We started to walk...I thought that this was the right time, no one could bother us..I should ask him what happened that day...
"Your questions will be answered Mark, do not get impatient...moreover tell me how you feel now that you've seen what you are you have seen your axiom power...and those pair of wings are no ordinary pair Mark, they are the 'Wings of Majesty'...this is the second time I have seen it myself..." he said
Wow I thought...I had something that even for God was rare...that was the coolest thing I could think about..
"It is cool now that you mention it" he said
"Are you really reading my mind?" I asked
"Well, off course I am God..I think I can do that" he replied in a funny way...this was the first time in so many years I felt that I was close to someone...and yet it felt weird.

After a while of all this chatting we both stopped,
And he said..."ask your questions Mark."
Without hesitation I asked..."where is Christine and why did you make her kill me?"
"She is peacefully resting in heaven and Mark I didn't force her..I just asked her if she wanted you to know the truth about her death.." god exclaimed.
"What is the truth?" I asked
"Mark, you promise me that no matter what happens you will find happiness in your pain"

That was kind of weird,I thought..but with so much curiosity I said yes without thinking about it.
"Your friends were murdered..brutally." he said taking a gap.

    <The ShowDown Starts>

My eyes grew wider....I didn't understand it...murdered brutally??
I took a breath to catch up...I couldn't grasp the fact...
"What do you mean...murdered brutally?"

"This is hard to grasp" I said
After all these years all the reports on Earth said they were hit by an bus...
"Mark, I believe that even deep down in your own corners that you never visited, you knew didn't you?" God asked
I couldn't escape it, he was right..I couldn't escape the truth...I did knew that they were killed
I put my head down...amd silently asked...
"By whom..?"
"Well, Mark it's harsh...you will not believe it... whatever anything suggests, it was...
I thought to myself...Is he mad...accusing me of killing Dave and Christine..why would I kill them...they were my world.

Just after that he was instantly standing in front of me...with his hand he touched my heart I started to float...and I began to see a dream...
"Focus Mark.." he said.
I did and I saw my teen self when I was 13...showing the images Christine of the Clear night.
Then everything as I remembered took place I knew god was trying to prove to me I had killed them...so I watched if it were true...I went unconscious...I saw Dave running towards my teen self...

He was shouting for help...I went closer and saw that he cried and a stream of blood ran down my mouth in my teen self...I knew what was gonna happen...I was going to turn into my demonic angel form, I was going to become an axiom
I shouted "Dave RUN...!!"
But obviously he couldn't listen to me...the curse marks began to form on my teen self's body

And his hand went straight up and inside Dave's chest...and it came out the other side...with Dave's heart in his hand..
Christine cried in terror on seeing this...and my teen self fled towards her back and put hands on her skull and smashed it in an instant...both of them killed in an heartbeat..
I had no words to describe what I just saw and I was back to present...I fell down on the ground crying in pain...I couldn't hold it anymore...
"Did I do really do it?" I asked
"Yes, but someone Made you do it.."he replied
"But I am an axiom...I control my own actions...so unless...unless a divine power greater than me made me do it...I wouldn't do it...You made me do it...didn't you..?" I exclaimed
"You're smart, yes I made you kill them both."he replied
"But why?" I asked in horror as well as in anger...
"You were getting too attached to them...sorry Mark but it had to be done, you're the Bearer you can't let yourself get attached to things." He gave an answer

"It had to be done..? Are you serious? Who the heck do you think you're calling things huh?... they were everything I had...do you understand? Everything." I raised my voice..."and now you made me destroy my everything".
He was speechless..
"You'll have to pay the cost of your deeds God!...The judgement will be laid down by me now."
I charged at him at full speed and our battle began..i sensed he didn't want to fight me...I didn't care...and so it started The battle for justice of My world

He stopped me with the movement of his finger, threw me miles away...
I was baffled at his power..then I thought...I am fighting god..

I charged at him once again this time he stopped me with his palm in my chest all my movements were restricted.

And he said "Mark, we need not fight...you and I could work together."
"Are you Fucking kidding me?" "Together?" I remembered the an unexpected power of my axiom, the power of control

I got away from his grip laid a kick down on his face and he moved back.
He looked at me with his anger, and said with wrath in his eyes

"I'll free you of your burden mighty Axiom.
I God, will...

...kill you.

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