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  Everything is just building up on me. This week isn't helping either. First I'm suffering from dehydration and fatigue because I'm too depressed to eat; second, I find out that the people I grew up with isn't my birth family; and lastly, the dude that tried killing Luke is out and after us.

  I texted Nash and Hayes, and told them I'm on my way back. I made it and walked inside. The boys stopped what they were doing completely and looked at me.

"What happened to you? You look rough," Taylor said.

"Gee thanks," I scoffed.

"So...?" Brandon trailed.

  I spilled it. I told them about the whole incident and then how the man texted me. To say they were pissed would be and understatement.

  It took me twenty minutes to tell them about it. Mainly cause they kept interrupting to ask questions. I'd say Jacob and Johnny were the only two that sat and listened.

"So that's what pushed you overboard?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah. I'm good now though. I told Luke's parents, they got hold of the police, I sent them the screenshot of the text, and now it's handled. He's back where he belongs," I answered.

"How was the gym?" Cam asked.

"It was great. People stared at me like I was on steroids. It was funny though," I shrugged.

"So how you feel now?" Hayes asked.

"Much better," I answered.

"That's good. You eat?" Nash asked.

"Nope," I shook my head.

"You shower and I'll make you something," Hayes said.

  I nodded my head and walked to my room. I grabbed a clean bra, panties, and an oversized shirt that reaches mid thigh. Then I stripped and got in the shower. I took a thirty minute one. When I got out, I felt clean and relaxed.

  Until my stomach rumbled. I dried, dressed, and ran to the living room. The boys looked at me like I was crazy. Then my stomach growled again. They laughed and Jacob pointed at the kitchen. Hayes walked out with a plate full of food.

"Thank you!" I said and took the plate.

  I sat on the couch and started eating. Jacob kept looking at me pleadingly. I looked at him and held out my fork of rice and gravy to him with a smile. He gladly took the bite and sat by me.

"Thank you so much! The guys literally ate my food," he said.

  I looked at each of the boys with a serious face. "Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves! Stealing food from an innocent thirteen year old? That's just cruel."

"He got the best on the menu!" Tez argued.

"And you couldn't have ordered it yourself?" I mocked him. "Hmmm?"

  Jacob and I shared the food and he hugged me. "Thank you. Let me wash this for you." He took the plate and walked to the kitchen.

"You just made his day," Nash chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He gots a crush on you," Willie answered.

"Awe! That's adorable!" I gushed.

"He denies it with everything he's got," Brandon laughed.

"Wouldn't you if these boys knew and you know they'll tease you about it?" I asked.

"Tease about what?" Jacob asked and sat back down.

"About Brandon having a crush on a girl," I answered. I looked straight at him and he death glared me while the boys laughed.

"Oh sweet! Who?" Jacob asked him.

"No one! Ashton's just being a drag," Brandon answered. I just hmph'ed at him.

"Whatever," I scoffed.

3 a.m.

  At 8 o'clock we had started watching scary movies. Cam was my cuddle buddy. Three movies. That's all it took. My face was hidden in his chest half the time for each movie.

  Now we're all in the rooms, asleep. I had texted Kasen occasionally, but we didn't talk long.

"Ashton?" A quiet whisper asked. "You awake?"

"Hmmm?" I hummed and opened my eyes to see three shaking and fidgeting thirteen year olds.

"Can we sleep with you?" Johnny asked.

"The guys keep freaking us out and scaring us," Jacob said.

  I moved over and held up the blanket for them. They laid down and we all cuddled in one big bundle. I played To Build A Home by the Cinematic Orchestra until they fell asleep.

  It's a good, soft song I always played when I laid my baby cousins down for a nap. It even helps me when I can't sleep.

8 a.m.

  I woke up to the boys sound asleep beside me. They're absolutely adorable. They may be famous, crazy, and teens; but they're still kids at the same time. How could people hate on them?

  I quietly and carefully got out of bed, pulled on some socks, and went to the kitchen with my phone in hand. I started the coffee pot up and got some breakfast ingredients out.

  I made eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, sausage, and waffles. It took a hour for me to cook. When I was done, I made plates and set the table. When 9:45 came around, I hooked my phone up to the surround sound and blared some Green Day through the house.

  It was at full blast, making the boys walk in sleepily. I smiled brightly at them and muted the music.

"It's eatin' time!" I said happily.

  Their eyes went from a death glare saying, 'I hope you die.' To, 'I love you so much! Thank you!'

  I giggled and shoveled a huge bite of eggs into my mouth. Breakfast went by quickly. We all were full of conversations and me scorning the boys for scaring Jacob, Brandon, and Johnny to the point that they had to come to me for sleep and comfort.

  After breakfast, I checked the schedule and smiled. Free day. Yassss!!!!

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