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'Fighter girl. That's what you need to be. It's what you are. What you need to be. I have to be strong for those I love and care for. They aren't ready for me to go, and I don't feel ready either. It's not my time yet.'

Two years ago today flashed into my head. The day I was supposed to go to a Meet&Greet for Magcon. The day I was supposed to spend with them. I didn't get to because I was in the hospital for two months.

Why? Because some douchebag decided to beat this 5 year old boy in public, shot at him but missed and hit me, and then unleash his pitbull onto him; which I tried to protect and ended up being ripped open, to needing serious plastic surgery, a blood transfusion, and stitches. To this day I still have pain.

The boy's parents thanked me countless times for saving their little boy, but they've also apologized countless times for the damage and trauma. They even paid my hospital bill for my mom as a way of showing an apology.

When I made it back to school, everybody had heard about the incident because mom posted things on Facebook that soon reached everyone there. Then it was on the news and a reporter was keeping people up to date. Many people had called me a hero. Some called me stupid.

I was answering questions back and forth to the point I went mute for a few weeks. Everyone knows what today is though. It's been creeping up on me. Mom understands enough to know from the beginning of this week that I'm going to be quiet. It's Wednesday. The day. I still haven't said a word since Monday. Unless absolutely necessary. Short answers though.

"Ashton, time to go," mom called up.

School. Yay.

I dressed in black MC Hammer pants and a white Obey hoodie. I put on black Converse and walked down to the kitchen. Mom sat patiently at the table with a plate of food.

"Ash, honey, I know you're hungry. Denying your food isn't healthy. Please eat," she plead. I shook my head no.

"Sorry." Was all I said when I turned away and walked out the door.

I let the bus pass me by and listened to how quiet it got. I sighed and put my earbuds in. The only thing that helps me is music.

Especially when I'm listening to Shawn Mendes, Jack and Jack, Kenny Holland, The Jonaskians, Skate Maloley, and Jacob Whitesides.

I instantly got wrapped in the words and the beat. Forgetting the problems and everyone on this earth. Once I made it to the school, I walked into the gym and kept to myself. Just like the past two days.

'Why'd that man go for Luke? He did nothing to him. He's a good kid who doesn't hurt anyone or anything. He's the best kid I've met yet.'

The bell rang for the first class so we all walked to our lockers. I grabbed my literature book and started walking to the class. Only to collide into something. Check that. Someone.

"Oh my gosh are you ok?"

Crap. My crush Kasen Walker.

"I'm fine," I answered. He held out a hand and helped me up.

"Kasen. Let's go. She's the girl we were telling you about," Cody said.

"Really? You don't look like the kind of girl to survive after being ripped up," Kasen said.

"Well I am," I shrugged.

"So she can talk?" Cody asked.

"Shut the- Know what? Go screw yourself. Though I'm pretty sure you already do since Alexis won't give it to you," I sneered and walked off.

I made it to class and sat in my seat all the way in the back of the room. Then he had to start runnin' his mouth.

"So Ashton, you gonna be a wimp today?" David asked. I swear I hate this freaking kid.

"Leave her alone David," Ethan said.

"Shut up Ethan. I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to your weak cousin who can't take crap," David said.

I stood up and was in front of his desk in seconds. "You know what? I'm tired of your crap. So why don't you shut the hell up and quit runnin your mouth like you all big and bad. Let's see you be shot and ripped up like last weeks newspaper by a pitbull. Then make it out without looking like shredded cheese and having so many surgeries because some psycho decided to try killing an innocent little boy.

"At least I can say I have a heart. Unlike you. A 17 year old boy who likes getting 12 year olds pregnant and then bragging about it. Let's see you not be reminded every year on that day, that your life was almost taken. And for what? Protecting some little boy you didn't even know? A little boy who did nothing wrong? Is it stupid that I did that? No.

"Cause that little boy, Luke, has something to live for. I'd rather it have been me to die, then to know I stood there watching him be killed for no reason. So while you're being a low life, heartless, and pathetic excuse of a human being, I'm over here holding back from beating the life out of you."

I walked away and sat in my desk. Ethan walked over and dragged me into the hall. There, he hugged me. I cried into his shirt and my grip loosened. My legs were going numb. It's a thing that's happened ever since the incident and only when I'm mad or beyond furious.

"Come on Ashton. Don't let what he says get to you. Don't let him bother you. You're better than this," he said softly.

"But Ethan, he's making it worse! I can't handle this as it is. He does this every year," I cried.

"Um... Ethan?" A guy asked. I could hear the confusion.

Ethan turned slightly and I let my head down. 'Quit crying. You're supposed to be a fighter. You didn't grow up like this.'

"What Kasen?" Ethan asked.

"Who are you hugging?" Kasen asked.

'Oh quack a freaking duck. Just my luck. Of all days. He couldn't have come at another time?'

"Ashton," Ethan answered.

"What would Sierra say if she knew you were hugging another girl?" Kasen asked.

"She would understand. Especially if the girl I'm hugging is my cousin," Ethan answered. "And when family is hurting, they rely on one another for comfort. Sierra knows what Ash is to me. Those two are practically best friends."

I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked up at Kasen and cleared my throat.

"Whatcha thinkin' Ash?" Ethan asked.

"Just waiting to hear what he has to say," I shrugged.

"I-I- Sorry," he walked away and kept his head down.

"Weirdo," I stated and looked at Ethan.

"Like you?" He joked.

"Jerk," I said flatly.

We walked back into class and sat in our seats. Class was boring. I spent the whole time on my phone just to pass time. The rest of the day was the same.

Every time I made eye contact with Kasen or caught him looking at me, he would look away instantly. It's actually really cute.

When the final bell rang, I stopped him before he could drive off. I purposely missed the bus when I saw Cody stalling and nod at me.

"Um... Yes?" He asked nervously.

"Would you mind bein' an absolute sweetheart and drive me home? I missed the bus by accident and Ethan didn't drive today," I plead innocently.

Lie. Ethan did drive. Cody just came up with this oh so great plan at lunch.

He sighed and let out a groan. "Get in."

I walked around and got in the passenger seat. I looked at him and beamed. "So what's the groan for?"

"Nothing," he mumbled and sped out the student parking lot.

"So what'd I just make you late for?" I asked.

He glance at me and saw my smile. His body relaxed and his hard look softened. A smile found its way to his face.

"How about you hangout at my place and I'll drive you home whenever you're ready?" He suggested.

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