Chapter 1

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I walked down the dark, lonesome alley, very inebriated. I shouldn’t have had that many beers. I should have left the bar when Zoe did. I was having trouble walking in a straight line. My vision was pretty blurred too. Let’s face it, I was a wreck. I stopped to rest. Leaning up against a brick wall, I took my phone out. Three missed messages. “Hmm…I wonder who they’re from…” I wondered. Typing in my password, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see nothing but darkness. I brushed the hair out of my face and tapped the messages icon. Two from Zoe, one from sprint. I might as well see what she wants… “I’m sorry I left without you. You wouldn’t come with me!!! I really hope you’re okay…” “When you see this message, please call or text me. It’s been three hours since I left and you’re still not home. I’m so worried about you.” I screamed “OH WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!”  At the phone screen before dropping it back into my back pocket. I was so upset over the whole situation. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for that asshole, Jacob. He made me become this and forced me to go out. I hope I never fucking see him again. All of a sudden, I felt a terrible feeling bubbling in my body. “Oh god…” was all I could say before I blew chunks all over the pavement. Vomit started coming out of my nose, causing my eyes to water. Mascara and eyeliner was dripping down my already soaked with vomit face as I finished the horrific endeavor. And that’s when I passed out.

“Is she okay?” I heard a male voice ask. “I think so… She’s breathing.” Another male voice stated, closer to me. “She may be okay, but she stinks of vomit and beer…” I heard yet another male voice call. Don’t open your eyes, Vanessa… Don’t do it… I could tell I was on a cushioned surface, so not on the ground in that alley anymore… “Should we wake her up?” Said even another male voice. GOD HOW MANY FUCKING PEOPLE ARE IN THIS PLACE!? “No, let’s let her rest. From the looks of it, she had a long night…” Said the first voice over again. I heard a series of agreeing noises and movement. After there was silence for a few minutes, I decided it was save to open my eyes. I was in a hotel room…?  It was a really nice one with a Jacuzzi in the corner and a lot of other expensive looking trinkets. I looked over on the other bed in the room and it had two large black suitcases on it. I sat up slightly and the room curved. My head ached and I could barely see straight. I held my head to feel a bandage over the left side of my forehead. I sat up all the way and looked around. It was light outside and the alarm clock by the bed I was on said it was a quarter to 10 am. I stood up and looked out the window. “Yep, still in Chicago…Just downtown.” I said to myself. I was so confused but I had to go take a shower and try to clear my head. I decided to look in the two suitcases for some different clothes. I hope whoever the owner is of the suitcases won’t mind me grabbing some clothes. In the first one, it had tons of button-up shirts and black skinny jeans. In the second one, it had a lot of different graphic t-shirts and some sweat pants. I decided on a blue button up shirt and a pair of black sweat pants. I found the bathroom and right when I walked in, I saw a scary girl in the mirror. Too bad it was just my reflection. I looked like something out of a horror movie. My hair was matted down, my cheeks were stained with black tear marks, and I was COVERED in dried vomit. “Oh yuck…” I said out loud. I immediately stripped myself of the disgusting fabrics and took off my bandage to reveal a nasty bright red and purple gash over my eyebrow. “Holy shit…” I muttered, brushing my fingers across it. It was extremely new and hurt like hell.  I jumped in the shower and it felt so good. My headache went away slightly and I felt so…clean. I hopped out, skin still steamy and pink. I slid the clothes on and put my unkempt hair up in a bun at the top of my head. I walked out and remembered where I was. I had to search around the room for some evidence of who took me here. I checked both suitcases. Nothing incriminating there. I looked in the drawers. Nothing. Nothing Nothing Nothing! There’s nothing here! I guess I’ll just have to wait for them to get back, whoever “they” are. I turned on the tv to see it was some show on The Cooking Channel. “Aww… I want food…” I thought to myself. I glanced at the table to find that the newspaper was there. “Might as well do something other than torture myself with tasty food…” I thought as I turned off the T.V. and picked up the gray stack of paper. I flipped around till I saw a really colorful picture of four guys. The headline read “FALL OUT BOY COMES HOME TO CHICAGO” I thought for a second. Wait a minute… Just then the door opened and in walked 4 guys. I look at them more 

Revenge. ~ Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now