Chapter 11

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For the next couple of days, they carried on their scearch for freedoom doing weider thing evrytime. They went to a really posh party full of arrogant persons. There, they made fun of people by pretending to be dumb and dummier thing. Alex pretended to be the King of Kouretingth, completly made up, and convinced most of the guest that he was as rich as Midas, bragging about fake palace and pools of gold. A lot of woman, from 15 to approxlimatly 90 gave him their numbers. Chuck went on claiming that hehad invented DVDs and Mp3 Players and was one of the master mind beehind the fruit named compagnie. While Isabelle instisted that she had won the physic, peace and mathematic nobles prices, people were really impressed. As for herself, Ashley assured anyone who was listenning that her father was Neil Amstrong, nobody seems to notice the age gap, but i guess it not because you're rich that you're clever. And as a grand finale, the best friend from the US president was here in the name of Chace. Vanessa didn't dare to copied them first because, as much as she racted her brain over and over, she couldn't think of a good lie, second she knew she couldn't keep a clear face and third, she didn't want people noticing or studiing her. After a few more lies, people started to notice that nothing was wronght so the six friends decieded to skip the end of the party and to call it a night.

Following that, they all went to a tacky 50th bar in which they had no trouble entering even if they weren't legal yet by just showing their black cards. Oh yes, I forgot to montion that they were all loaded of course, coming from wealthy families and all. When Vanessa asked why this had anyhting to do with being free, alex answered :

- Well, Chace told me you knew Rock and Roll and I wanted to check that.

They danced all night long, with everyone, friends or strangers, didn't matter. What matter was the music, the moves and the fun. Vanessa was thankfull for her constant begging toward her dance teacher, this was so much fun than the valse. They separeted around 2 in the morning, Vanessa and her brother going home, they had promised they would have breakfast with the familly. Isabelle claming her feet hurted. Only the dream team decided to stay.

The nex day, they all meet for lunch, well, almost since Alex showed up only a half way up.

- Where were you ? You didn't come home with the other ? reproached his sister.

- Nowhere he quiclky answered not looking at her.

- Oh come on, Alex, there is no shame. You should be proud. Chuckle Chuck

- Proud of what ? asked Chace

- Nothing ! Still not looking at his sister

- Alex, what happened ? Now Isabelle sounded worried

- No what you are thinking about. He was trying to reassure her.

- Is it serious ? she was more and more anxious

- Oh, for God sake. He hooked up with a girl Isabelle, nothing more. Boursted out Ashley.

All the concern from Isabelle face change to anger.

- What about Emma ? You're going to get back together, you two always do. You fight up then you make up.

- Not this time.

His voice was low, he didn't seems too eager to talk about the subject. Isabelle stearded at him till he fanilly hold her gaze.

- So, jumping in bed with a random girl what ? two weeks after you break off a five years relationship is what you do ? More and more anger

- Look, I know it is not the best idea, it is even the stupidiest one, but it is the only I got know. I was the one in the relationship, not you. You never been with somebody as long as me so don't lecture me.

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