Chapter Three- Dead Sermon

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 Here's the third chapter guys! it's action-packed and by far my fave chapter to write! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did writing it :D



It was almost time. Arthur Cross, Kain’s partner, waits patiently at their meeting place. He stood at a small dark alley near Rodrigo’s chapel. His long wavy hair was tied neatly and a dark scarf concealed half of his face. He played with his knife as he was observing the townsfolk flock Rodrigo’s chapel like moths to a flame. Normally only Rodrigo’s fanatic believers would hear his sermons but because of what happened earlier today, everyone who was scared of damnation and unholy plagues wants Rodrigo to protect them- He will happily oblige, for the right amount of gold and silver of course.

A few moments later, as Arthur observed the people, Kain seemingly dropped from the sky right in front of him. It was as if he was a shadow- silently moving from place to place undetected. Arthur looked at Kain as he props himself up uninterested- like he had seen in many times before. Arthur sheathed his dagger and said:

“Right on time. I was getting worried you would not show up.”

“Unlike you, I think it was necessary to make preparations.” said Kain as he covered his head with his hood. “I am a weary person by nature.”

“Oh spare me the lectures, my friend. Let’s just get this over with- I have a wedding to attend to, you coming?” said Arthur.

“Like I would miss my dearest friend’s wedding.” Kain smiled. “Let us make haste, I hear the bells ring- the sermons are about to begin.”

And so they did, they moved with the crowd wandering the streets and made their way behind the chapel. They climbed a tall building to get a good view of the place they need to infiltrate.

“Five guards.” said Kain. “Three patrolling the ground and two archers at the rooftop- We still don’t know how many inside.”

“That’s a lot of guards for such a small place.  Maybe Rodrigo’s getting paranoid that the towns people will just demand and take divine protection from him.” Arthur chuckled. “So, what’s the plan?”

“We will have to take down the guards. I will handle the archers on the roof, you take care of the brutes patrolling.” Kain said.

“You are the boss.” Replied Arthur and they moved.

Arthur stuck to the shadows and approached the first guard from behind.  His blade lacerated the victim’s neck while Arthur’s other hand covered the guard’s mouth so he can’t scream. He dumped the body in a well near their location. After that, Arthur whistled two notes meaning the coast is clear.

 Kain ran towards Arthur as he boosted him up. He grabbed the ledge and proceeded to climb. The second guard patrolling the ground was about to approach Arthur, he leaned against the wall as he tried to get something from his pocket- a gold coin. He threw the coin and it rolled from the darkness and placed itself just a few steps away from the guard. The guard, thinking it was his lucky day, picked it up- only for Arthur to pounce from behind and break his neck.

 Kain was about to approach the first archer guarding the roof.  He was out in the open and so were the two archers.  The only place he could hide was near the bell tower but he wouldn’t reach it in time for any of the archers could look back and see him. Kain sprinted silently towards the first victim and used his newly acquired short sword to slit the archer’s throat. He drew the blade and sliced the poor soul’s head off. He only intended to cut his throat, but he didn’t know his blade can cut through flesh like a hot knife through butter. The other archer noticed the noise and decided to see what was going on. What he witnessed is his fellow archer’s head flying and a cloaked assailant looking back at him. Before he could react, Kain already threw a knife and it pierced his throat.

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