Chapter 6. Rohan and Sukanya.

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Rohan and Sukanya

"Late late late - I am late - again I am late." chanted Sukanya as she tried to balance the bread loafs, carton of eggs and packets of milk.

She reached her bicycle and started securing her load when the front tyre caught her eyes

"Aaaargh- A puncture! Seriously? Of all the days today?" She shouted as she kicked at her bicycle angrily.

It was too early for her to get any mode of transport home from this fairly isolated section of town.

As she debated if she should walk the over a Kilometre back home while dragging the punctured cycle or dump her cycle for now and collect it later she saw a familiar figure.

Normally not a happy sight but right now she was delighted to see him. .'For a change' she thought rolling her eyes.

"Hey Rohan." She called out to him trying her best to stretch her lips to at least resemble a smile.

Of course the fact that as soon as he saw her he had the darkest scowl on his face did not help in anyway in her mission 'be nice and smile at Rohan'.

'Probably he was born with a frown' Sukanya muttered under her breath to herself as she willed her face muscles to continue stretching to resemble a smile.

"Hi Rohan! Fancy meeting you here." she tried again as he glared at her. "What a er- pleasant surprise." She almost choked on the word 'pleasant' while saying it

"Yeah. Fancy indeed" he said at his sarcastic best.

"So what brings you here this early" Sukanya was pleased that at least she had managed to irritate this arrogant jerk, without any effort that too.

"Well some of us work you know- " he retorted but was cut off.

"Work being playing around in a pile of rocks- " Sukanya had given up by now on even pretending to be nice to this big bag of bones walking and talking arrogance!

"Listen.- Is there a reason for us having this amazing chit chat?" Rohan was tired and was definitely in no mood to waste his breathe in this insane conversation with this equally insane girl, this early in the morning-or anytime of the day he reminded himself. Moreover her calling his work 'playing around in a pile of rocks' really pissed him. Rohan started walking towards his car.

"Well my bicycle has a puncture-"

"So?? " He asked over his shoulder, not bothering to stop.

Taking a deep breath and counting upto 10 -backwards-Sukanya said:

"So- I was wondering if you are going back home? I could maybe get a lift? "

Rohan had almost reached his car by then. He opened his car door.

"Why should I give you a lift? "

"We live in the same house, that's why" 'Manner less jerk' Sukanya fumed under her breathe.

Oh yes. Rohan always tried to forget this unfortunate fact. Both of them lived in the same house .Yay to life! he though in his head.

"Fine fine! Tag along. But hurry up. I am tired after my shift."

"After your shift?? You were working at night?"

Rohan rolled his eyes and decided to ignore his irritating tag along companion that had forced herself for this car ride.

Sukanya glared at him as he made no move towards helping her in loading her bicycle in his car.

"Rohan, have you ever had any stunt in being gentleman or spending time isolated with pile of rocks made you a barbarian?"

"Excuse me?" Rohan raised an eyebrow at her obvious rude comment

"My punctured bicycle cannot walk by itself to your car, you know. Moreover as you can see some of us have to run errands for the house and buy daily stuff " Sukanya said pointedly glancing at her hands full with stuff.

"Okay okay fine, I will load it. Can't you ask normally?" Rohan muttered. Truth be told he was feeling bad that he had not done this on his own. He was a gentleman but somehow this girl always brought out the worst in him.

The ride to 'Destiny Villa' was awkward as neither was keen to strike a conversation.

Rohan pulled the car into the driveway of Destiny Villa and waited for Sukanya to get down.

"I will keep these inside and be back in a minute." Suknaya said and went in.

He got down and took the bicycle down not giving her another chance to question his chival

Just as Sukanya steeped out of the house she saw Rohan balancing the cycle beside the car.

This brought a slight smile on Sukanya's face. 'He does have some manners still somewhere embedded deep within him' she thought her lips twitching.

She said "Thank you". The small smile that she offered him this time was genuine.

Rohan looked at her surprised and shrugged his shoulders feeling slightly conscious. He watched as she wheeled away the cycle and stood it adjacent to the garage wall.

She gave him a last look before walking towards the house.

Rohan parked his car and walked towards the house after a few minutes.


After Rohan dropped her home Sukanya went straight to her room nd went to the window.

She watched as Rohan went towards the side door leading to the stairs. She sighed in wonder about the happenings of the past half an hour or so.

She moved away and started getting readyto go out nd meet Suhasini. Suhasini worked in the hospital on weekends in the children's section as a volunteer. When she had shifted to the town few days back Sukanya had also volunteered her services. The children were a delight to be around and always made her smile no matter how her day had been. The ward itself was run with the help of a charitable trust. A lot of NGO's were also associated with it.

Most of the children treated there were children of the labours who worked in the fort. With the construction work on full swing now their parents were away almost the day for duty and hence they had to depend a lot on the hospital. She and Suhasini had volunteered to extend the services as a temporary crèche on weekends. So even the non-ailing children were around on weekends since last week which had been the first working weekend for Sukanya.

Sukanya smiled as she thought about her friend. She and Suhasini had been friends for years, ever since Suhasini had shifted to the town with her parents who were both doctors. Over the years Sukanya had been a regular visitor to the town and both the girls had spent a good amount of time together.

Now that she had come to live in the town, she hoped they would be spending more time together.


Little do they know Destiny is about to strike and change their life in a way they can never imagine.

A lot is about to happen which will change the current state of 'non friendliness' between Rohan and Sukanya.

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Love, from me to you.:)

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