Chapter 22. Doubt creeps in.

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"What do you say?" Suhasini asked excitement dripping from her voice. "We could spend the whole day on the hills. Sounds pretty exciting to me." she continued as she drove.

She frowned when she got no response. She turned to her friend only to find her with a queer expression on her face "Sukku?" She glanced back on the road in front. "Sukku are you all right?"

No response.

She darted another look to see the same expression on Sukanya's face and her gaze seemed to be focused on a particular point, as though she was trying to concentrate on something.

"Sukku? What are you thinking?" Suhasini tried again.

Still not getting any response she pulled her car to a stop and turned her full focus on Sukanya. She reached out and gently touched her friend;s shoulder.

Suknaya visibly jolted and looked at Suhasini in surprise. "Are you all right Sukku?" Suhasini asked.

"Yes of course..

" Sukanya frowned in confusion at the question. "Why should I not be okay?"

"I have been talking to you about our trekking plan and you seemed to have zoned out." Suhasini said with a smile as she restarted the car.

"Oh!" Sukanya said going slightly red in the face. "That-um. Sorry, was thinking about something." She acknowledged sheepishly.

Suhasini laughed out loud but gave a silent worried look to her friend. She knew Sukanya had suffered in the past and was yet to come out of the effects of the trauma.

She had never pried about it, respecting her friends will but it was times like this when she felt helpless. She cared about Sukanya and wanted to reach out as a friend and help her.

"Do you want to talk about it Sukku?" She asked quietly.

Sukanya sighed. "Someday I will Suhi." She said giving her a sad smile. She knew her friend was referring to her past experience. However hat had not been her reason of concern right then.

She darted another glance at the yellow rose tucked behind Suhasini's ear and shook her head in trying to fight away the thoughts invading her mind and focused on discussing the upcoming trek they had planned with the children from the hospital.

Ten minutes later they were seated in a store room in the hospital sorting the medications they would need to carry for some of the children.

Inevitably Sukanya found herself eying the yellow bud again. She tried to peer at it closely. She stealthily crept behind Suhasini as she sat on a chair.

Slowly she bent down trying to get a closer look when she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her nose!

"Yoow-".Sukanya yelped clutching her nose. Suhasini had unfortunately chosen that moment to stand up.

"Aaaaah-" Suhasini screamed as she stumbled back into the seat before realising her head had collided with Sukanya's nose!'

"Sukku! You scared me! What are you doing creeping behind me like that?" Suhasini asked her hand placed over her heart, as she tried to calm the racing heartbeat,

"Er- um sorry-" Sukanya blurted as she rubbed her slightly red and tingling nose. "You have a nice rose in your hair Suhi."

"Oh that! Err.- a friend gave it to me." Suhasini said not meeting Sukanya's eyes. She really should be telling Sukanya soon about Rohan and herself, she thought to herself.

Sukanya was feeling silly about creeping behind like that.

She had thought closer look would have helped her identify if the flower was from the garden of Destiny villa or not. The thought itself was too farfetched she fumed to herself silently. How could she even think she would be able to identify a flower?

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