Chapter 16 Conflicting Emotions.

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Tuesday dawned bright and Sunny and it matched Rohan's mood completely. He was going to meet Suhasini after his shift and they were supposed to go for a long drive. Just like they had done the previous evening.

On a sudden whim he had called her home number late in the evening and had asked her if she would like to go for a drive.

He could tell she was surprised but also seemed happy at the prospect.

"Do I even need to ask why you are grinning away to yourself staring at rocks?" Arun's amused voice made Rohan look up.

His grin grew wider. "I love these rocks." You know how passionate I am about my job."

"I know, I know." Arun said rolling his eyes. "That is why the bosse's chose you for the double shift tonight."

Rohan's grin vanished instantly. "What? How can they do that? That too at the last moment! I mean-" He stopped abruptly when he saw the twinkle in Arun's eyes.

"You are just stringing me along aren't you?" He asked Arun suspiciously when his friend busrt out laughing at his outburst.

"Sorry! It is fun to pull your legs." He said with a wink as he sat on a rock in front of where Rohan was working.

"A fine friend you are." Rohan said shaking his head and laughed good naturedly. "Fine. I accept. I am happy because I am meeting Suhasini later in the evening."

"Caught you there!" Arun said laughing.

"Have the seniors responded to your application for research on the evidence you provided for possible shoot out other than earthquake 21 years back." He asked Rohan.

Rohan sighed "They have assured me they are looking into and will do whatever is required but nothing has been done till now."

Arun nodded in understanding.


"Rohan I want to ask you something." Suhasini said, sounding slightly hesitant.

Rohan turned to face her. "You have been pre occupied through out Suhasini. Is everything all right?"

"Yes. Everything is fine Rohan. It's just that I have something to ask you and I am not sure how you will react." Suhasini said looking at Rohan.

Rohan reached out and took her hand in his. "You can tell me anything Suhasini. You do know that." He assured her as he caressed her hand soothingly.

"My mother has invited you to have Tea tomorrow evening." Suhasini said looking staright into Rohan's eyes.


Rohan was nervous as he rang the doorbell to Suhasini's house.

He had been invited for tea by her parents and he was worried since this would be first time he would be meeting them ever since he had started dating Suhasini. A slow smile broke into his face at the word date.

He was very worried though about her parents' reaction to all this. Did they approve of him meeting their daughter?

Suhasini answered the door and he felt some of his concerns melt away at her smile. He entered and looked around apprehensively.

"Oh Hello Rohan! I am so glad you could make it. I have arranged for the tea to be served in the lawn the back of the house. Why don't you join Suhasini's father there?" Suhasini's mother greeted him cheerfully.

Rohan greeted her politely. He felt awkward as he pushed the box of sweets he had brought towards her. He had never done anything like this before and at family gatherings it was always his mother who took care of such things.

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