Chapter 29. Ghosts of the past.

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Rohan's father stared at Mr. Raj stunned beyond belief as he heard what the man had to tell him.

Anuj, his dear younger brother had been shot? And now he was being told he had not even been cremated!

"How could you do this Mr. Raj? All this years you deceived me and my family!" Amar said as he felt rage building up within him over ridding his sadness.

Mr. Raj kept his head low, bowed in shame a guilt.

"How are you so sure the bullet that has been found was the one that had it him?"

Mr. Raj looked up and reached out for an envelope lying on his table. "This is a DNA report. I had made an excuse about some required medical tests for some employees and taken Rohan's blood sample. In fact we took his blood sample again the next day, when the lab called to say that since this was a tricky and fairly new testing in India they wanted to be sure. In fact the second time we called Rohan in for taking his blood he did not seem to recollect giving the sample previously. Of course I know that he has his phases when he forgets certain details so I understand perfectly-"

"Mr. Raj please refrain from referring on my son's condition in the middle of all this!" Rohan's father said sternly and shot a furious look in Mr.Raj's direction.

"I am sorry." Mr. Raj said looking away. "Anyways, the tests confirm that the blood found on the bullet is of a person closely related to Rohan. Moreover that day only one bullet had been I was pretty sure about it even before the test reports came in."

Amar stood up and walked towards the door when he heard Mr. Raj say from behind "I am sorry. Really sorry for keeping all this away from you and your family all these years. But I am going to make amends I promise you! I have arranged for a Puja tomorrow to pray for Anuj's soul to rest in peace. I would really like it if his family attends it."

Amar nodded, feeling too emotionally drained to speak, and walked out of the room clutching the copy of the DNA report in his hands.


I am bored." Sukanya complained.

"I know, you keep mentioning that every 5 minutes." Rohan said as he sat on a chair next to her bed playing a video game.

" 3 days! It's been 3 days I have been forced to be stay cooped up in this hospital room!"

"Sukku you know they needed to check on your head injury. Though not deep you did lose some blood. Plus your 'defensive waking up antics' that you used more than once also made them want to ensure you were no threat to others once you left here" Suhasini said chuckling slightly.

"But Suhi they don't even let me leave the room and go out for a walk on my own! I can step out only if someone is with me."

"You are a disaster on feet Sukanya" Rohan said not removing his eyes from the game he was playing. "You have already locked up a ward boy once and hidden nurse's uniforms twice-"

"I was trying to help!" Sukanya protested as he rattled some of her doings. "I thought the ward boy was manhandling a poor old lady. She was shouting and crying so hard. I did ask him to stop, but he glared at me while he clutched the lady's hands as he pushed her wheel chair and asked me not to interfere!"

"So you pushed him and locked him in the adjoining room! Really Sukku! Manhandling in the hospital corridors? "Suhasini said laughing.

"Well I did think so at that time! I did not know the old croon was a big drama queen and attention seeker." Sukanya grumbled. "And I took the nurse's uniform so that I could pretend to be a staff and move about for some time since they will not allow me to otherwise." She pouted moodily

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