Chapter 20. Love and love, all the way.

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Rohan could barely contain his excitement as he drove to pick up Sukanya after work. He had some plans for the evening and he hoped Sukanya would like the surprise.

He had meticulously worked towards it in his bid to make her happy.

Today would be ten days since he had asked Sukanya to be his girlfriend and she had accepted and he wanted to celebrate.

It was too soon to realise the depth of feelings however even in this short span of time he had grown very fond of her. He was eager to make her smile and relax.

She was always full of life and energy and oozed positivity, but it was evident there was something deep in her heart that hurt her. Something which she had faced in the past that had left a deep agony within her.

He did not know what it was. She never spoke about that and he would not pry.

Rohan could not change the past but he could surely give her a reason to be happy. Not just as a respite from past memory, otherwise too, he really wanted to do all within his means to make her happy.

He brought his car to a stop near her office just as Sukanya walked out of the building. Almost immediately a smile graced his lips and lightened up his features.

Sukanya came around and got into the car with a soft smile playing on her lips. Rohan offered her a cheeky grin as he started the car and drove towards the surprise destination.

Sukanya narrowed her eyes at him. He was being totally secretive about where they were heading and this feeling of curiosity was killing Sukanya.

"Rohan, why are we taking this road? It goes nowhere ." Sukanya said peering out of the car window after they had driven for a few minutes.

Rohan smirked at her "Why will anyone build a road that goes nowhere?"

Sukanya poked her tongue out at him in response and he laughed.

Soon Rohan parked the car and said turning towards Sukanya "We have reached."

"Reached? Where?" Sukanya asked looking around. It was indeed middle of nowhere with mud path ahead and trees all around them.

"Nowhere." Rohan responded with a wink looking gleeful as he held her door to help her out. He leaped away as she attempted to hit him on his arm for his smart ass comment. He locked the car and started walking on the mud path. He turned to find Sukanya still standing beside the car. "Come on." He said.

"Where to?" Sukanya asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Up the hill ahead" Rohan said not wanting to reveal much.

"We are climbing a hill? Why?" Sukanya frowned in confusion.

"So that we get a chance of climbing it down." Rohan said cheekily. "Come on now."

"Nope. I am not moving till you tell me where we are going." Sukanya said digging her heels stubbornly.

Rohan shook his head smiling. He should have known things could never be uneventful around this girl!

"Okay fine. I give up. I plan to push you from the top." He said moving ahead. "Are you coming chicken heart?" he goaded her as he continued to walk. He wanted to reach without further delay before it started to get dark.

"Oh yeah Mister? I will pull you down with me if you do." Sukanya said as she started to run yelling at him as she breezed ahead of him. "Race you to the top!"

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