Chapter 21: I See You

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Chapter 21: I See You


Mama, Caya, Aria and I all decided to treat ourselves to a girl's day out. Mama would only be in town for a few more days, so we wanted to have as much bonding time as possible. There was a nice little spa not too far from Ari's Poison so we decided to stop by there. We were currently all seated next to each other getting pedicures.

"So what's next for you guys?" Mama asked me before taking a healthy sip of her wine. I shook my head at her knowing she was going to drink the entire bottle before we left out of here.

"What do you mean what's next for us?" I asked, shifting a little so the nail tech could massage my left foot.

"I mean what's next? Are you two gonna get started on making some babies soon?" she asked with an eyebrow raised, peering over her wine class.

I rolled my eyes at her sudden pushiness. I was only 23 years old. I was in absolutely no rush to have a baby anytime soon. Besides, Amir was a handful and Kellen and I weren't even living in the same house yet.

"No ma, we're not gonna get started on making a baby anytime soon. Kellen and I still have to work on our relationship before we could even think about having kids."

Mama sat down her glass, and I could see a pout forming on her perfect lips. "But, I'm not getting any younger Ivy. I want some biological grandkids." A look of worry flashed across her face. "I hope you didn't take that offensively, because I love Amir, but it would be nice to continue this bloodline."

I huffed and rolled my eyes. My mother was so dramatic sometimes it was ridiculous. What did she mean she wasn't getting any younger? She was barely 43!

"Ma, you're 43 years old. Stop being so dramatic all the time. You'll get grandkids before you're 50. I promise."

She seemed satisfied by my answer, because she leaned back into her seat and left the subject alone. Thank God!

"So Aria, what's up with you and DeMarcus?" I inquired, wiggling my eyebrows as I glanced over at her.

Ari's cheeks flushed a deep red as she made an attempt to hide her blush. There was no use in doing so because we'd all seen it. I honestly thought the idea of her and DeMarcus was cute. Aria was such a 'free-spirit' it was actually refreshing to see that she'd met her match.

"He's cool I guess. We've been chilling since Amir's party, but nothing major." she replied, putting all her focus onto the woman doing her toes.

"Nothing major huh? Well why are you suddenly so interested in your ugly ass feet?" Caya butted in.

I twisted my lips to the side in an attempt to stifle my laughter. Aria gave Caya an evil glance.

"Shut up Caya, you don't hear anyone commenting on those corns you got crawling out the side of your toe now do you?" Aria shot back.

Completely unable to keep a straight face any longer, I fell out in laughter. Mama, Aria and even the women doing our feet were laughing loud as hell. Caya, on the other hand didn't find anything funny. She glanced down at her pedicure tech, and pursed her lips together.

"Oh b*tch, I know you don't think this is funny, cause I'll walk my happy ass out of her without paying you. Laugh at that!" Caya slightly yelled at her.

I don't know why she was uptight, because the whole thing was funny as hell to me. Maybe she was upset because the woman had been speaking with her coworkers in her native tongue since Caya sat down in her chair. I guess now Caya realized they were talking about her feet.

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