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Please keep in mind that there is a chapter before this titled, "New Addition." Read that before proceeding. 

Now, I've been telling you all about my new story Murder Capital, and sadly not a lot of you all have read it, and I understand. You might be worried that it's not good, or just simply not interested. But, I've decided to attach an excerpt because i think you all will love it. 

*note: I have changed the main character once again...she will be played by Zonnique. 


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**note: this is not the beginning of the chapter**

Java Green.

School was finally out, and I was so happy. After that fight in the hallway I'd finally made it to my classes. I hated school with a passion, but I was an A/B student. Sanai didn't play that slacking shit, she was constantly onto me about making sure my grades were good so one day I could go to a good college and get out the hood. Little did she know I really didn't plan on going to college. School just wasn't for me.

"So what's the move for tonight?" Nay asked as she walked up linking her arm with mine.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Sanai ass will probably be tripping yet again, and make me stay in the house."

Nay rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Girl, you are 16 years old. I don't even know why Sanai stay treating you like a baby. King can do whatever he wants, but you can't? That ain't right."

I kissed my teeth, and kept walking. Nay was right, but I didn't want to admit it. I loved Sanai and I knew she only wanted what was best for me, but she was a bit overbearing sometimes. I just wanted to hang out with my friends like King did.

"Look, there's a house party tonight that some junior is throwing, and we are in there! F*ck what Sanai got to say. I'ma pick you out an outfit, and do your hair and make-up," Nay squealed. "Oooh it's lit!"

I playfully pushed her away from me and laughed. "We'll see." I mumbled.

"Well, well, well, we meet again," A voice said causing us to both stop in our tracks.

I looked over my shoulder to see none other than Alana's ho ass. She really just doesn't get it.

"I ain't with that talkin' shit. You want some action, be 'bout it!" I spat, already dropping my bookbag and cracking my knuckles.

"You ain't gone do shit with your scary ass, just gone run along to your big brother like you always do. Big brother ain't here to save you now," she taunted.

I could talk my fair share of shit. I was actually the best shit talker in the house, but when I was drove, and I mean really drove talking was the last thing on my mind. I was raised with two ruthless ass big brothers so I knew how to fight, and not no sissy ass cat fighting either.

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