Chapter 23: The Wrong One

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Chapter 23: The Wrong One


After leaving Mo's hotel room, we all decided to meet up at Caya and Tahj's place. And by everyone I mean: Mama Bee, Snipe, Justin, and Aria. We were all seated in the living room, and everyone was waiting on either Ivy or me to start talking. I glanced over at Ivy before sighing. I knew they were going to be pissed off once they found out who was behind all of this. It seemed like our enemies just couldn't stay buried. Someway, somehow our demons always seemed to haunt us.

"So as you all know, my club was trashed yesterday," I began talking. "I assumed that one of my ex-coworkers did it because she was upset I fired her." I decided it was best to leave out the part where she almost gave me head and I fell asleep.

"So it's not her?" Aria asked.

I shook my head, "Nah. She told me that Natalie rolled up to her spot, and threatened to kill her unless she gave up the key to my club. Apparently I have something that belongs to Natalie, and this is her way of getting back at me."

Everyone's faced looked exactly like I expected. No one wanted to believe that Natalie was capable of doing something like this, especially since she was Amir's aunt.

"I told you from the beginning I didn't like that bitch," Ivy spat, venom seeping through her words.

I sighed, "I know, and that's my fault for not trusting your instinct. I was just doing what I thought was right. She is Amir's aunt after all."

Suddenly, Mama Bee gasped. We all looked at her expectantly.

"What if that's it? What if Amir is what she wants? It makes sense. You have something that belongs to her... she feels like since Nami was her sister, Amir belongs with her." Mama explained.

The wheels in my head began turning. That did seem like a logical explanation, but that bitch had another thing coming if she thought she was about to take my son from me.

"So what's the plan?" Snipe asked, looking around at all of us.

Everyone shrugged and turned their attention toward me.

"We lure her to us. I think everyone should stay together until we can get her to us. I don't want anyone going out anywhere alone, because that makes you susceptible to an attack."

"Stay here?!" Ivy semi-shouted. "How are we just supposed to stay here and wait? We don't even have any clothes Kellen," she fussed.

"I'll go back to my place and pack a bag for you," I looked at Mama Bee, Snipe, and Justin. "I'll also grab your suitcases from the house."

Ivy stood up shaking her head, "No. You've lost your mind if you think I'm going to let you go out there alone. You just said we need to stay together."

I stood up as well, softly grabbing her arms in the process, "I can't risk that Ivy. I cannot risk anyone in here getting hurt because of something I've done. Now please, let me go get the bags." I pleaded with her, but this shit really wasn't up for discussion. She was staying here, and I was going... alone.

Justin and Snipe both stood up as well.

"I can't let you go alone Kellen," Snipe said.

"And if y'all come with me then who is going to watch the women," I asked them.

"Justin can stay here and watch them, I'll come with you." Snipe protested.

"It's seven of them and one of me," I pointed out. "I'll take my chances, besides Natalie doesn't put an ounce of fear in my heart. I'll be OK."

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