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AN: I'm sorry Jen (the person I dedicated this one shot to) for making this angsty again :c I know I promised to make you a really happy one but I just can't idk why but aijhdnisajd

So here's to another addition to my collection of angsty emo and sad one shots! C: yaaaay

PS: sorry it's short :(

August 26, 2032

"Mommy!! Is daddy okay already? I wanna play with him today!!" Little Taylor crawled up my leg, carefully positioning himself onto my lap. Taylor started to gently shake his father. "Daddy! Let's play!"

I stand up from the chair and carry Taylor outside of the room. "Taylor," I whisper into his hair, inhaling the sweet scent of his thin brown hair. "Daddy can't play with you right now. Daddy is very tired and he has to sleep so he can play with you again. Can you wait here with the nice nurse and play there with her?" I whisper, gently setting him down on the plastic chair. The nurse at the information desk nodded at me and went back to her work.

I rummage into my purse and hand my son some pieces of paper and his favorite set of crayons from his uncle Zayn. "Why don't you draw for a while? I'll come back in a while so behave okay?"

Little Taylor nodded and started to draw. I start to turn back to the room when Taylor pulled my shirt.

"Mommy? Is daddy going to be okay soon?" Taylor asked, innocence filling his entire being. I choke and stiffle a cry. "Yes sweety. He's going to be fine."

I walk back to the room and slowly shut the door. I tried being quiet so I wouldn't wake Liam up but sadly, my efforts were useless.

"Jen? Is that you?" Liam asked, his voice hoarse and scratchy. He tried to sit up but ended up failing horribly. I rush over to him and gently put him back down. "Woah there cowboy. Don't exert yourself. You've been through a lot."

Liam rested his head on my hand. "Yeah, I know. Where's Taylor?"

"Outside. He's been dying to see you. He really wants to play with you."

Liam chuckled. "What I would give to play with him one last time..."

"Hey." I said, sitting down onto the chair and leaning as close as I can to him. "Don't say that. You're a fighter. Remember our promise?"

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon?"

I laugh. "No idiot! Never give up."

Liam laughed. "How silly of me to forget. You have always been the smart one."

"Well, one of us has to be." I smile, stroking his hair.

We stayed together silently, just enjoying each others presence. After a while, Liam chuckled.

I smirk. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"Do you remember our wedding day, when I said I couldn't bear to lose you?"

I smirk. "And Harold got so drunk, he almost fell down the dock? Honey, I'll never forget that night."

Liam laughed. "That was one crazy night. But do you remember how I promised I would never leave? I know I meant that when I mean like I'll never cheat on you but ummm..." By this point, Liam was pretty much rambling.

My eyebrows scrunch together. "Liam... Where are you going with this?"

Liam sighed, his whole body sagging, as if he has been holding this in for a long time.

"Babe, what I'm doing, it's not living. I can't keep doing this, always being afraid if I don't wake up and it--"

I quickly clamp my hand on his mouth, eyes blazing. "Liam Payne, you listen here. Don't you dare leave me, you understand?!" The last part came a little hysterically. I knew this was going to happen.

Liam sighed. "Honey, I can't keep living like this. Shots everyday, bland food, bandages and pity from you and the boys... I'm not up for this."

I didn't know why, but in that moment, I was fuming. "You listen here! The boys and I don't pity you! We love you and we would never want you to live like this but what other choice do we have?! We can' t just let you--" I choke and a small sob escapes.

"I can't bear to lose you." I whisper, my shoulders sagging and my face goes slack.

"Jen... I love you but everyday of my life the only thing I've been doing is for someone else. I always give and give and I know this is selfish but if you love me, please allow me to be selfish. Just this once."

I snort, my sobs making it sound disgusting. "Of course it will be just once. You'll already be gone."

Liam sighs. "I love you."

I can already feel it. "I love you too."

He's already gone.

He's gone.

I'm gone.

It's been 2 weeks and I know they were the best 2 weeks of your life. As long as I kept telling myself that, I can forget that they were the worst days of mine. But I can' t be selfish. I must do it, for you.

It's been 2 weeks, Liam. Taylor still hasn't stopped asking for you. I can't do it honey. I can't tell him. And the only person I can ask to tell him about your death is you yourself.

He drew you a picture, honey. It's of you and him playing baseball the day you went home. I hung it on the fridge even thought every time I see it I want to die.

Why am I so pathetic? But I have to live. For Taylor.

The boys still visit, once in a while. Zayn and Taylor really hit it off. I think Zayn still can't get over it too. He still wants to thank you. For everything.

Everyone does.

It's been 30 years, honey. Taylor has his own family and they are beautiful. Little Debra.... You would have loved her. She has your smile. It's been years and sometimes, I forget how you looked like. I wake up, afraid I have forgotten your laugh, your voice, your smile.

Now, I am not afraid. No one needs me now. I don't have to be afraid if I forget your face. I know I'm about to see it again soon. I hope you still love me as much as I still love you. I never stopped. I hope you haven't too.

I'm coming home.

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