Take Me Back

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~dedicated to Audrey Payne and in commemoration of Liam Payne because it was his birthday a while back~


Her face was so beautiful, her eyes brown like warm chocolate. She had a beautiful figure, her thin shirt highlighting all the right places. She had long eyelashes and high cheekbones. Her hair was long and curly, cascading down her back in short ringlets. She was so pretty. But her face was in shock, her eyes widened.

This girl wasn't me. Not even close. Tears were streaming down my face as realization hit me like a pile of rocks.

This girl was Danielle Peazer, and here she was, straddling my boyfriend, Liam Payne. Or should I say, ex-boyfriend.

It was as if time stopped moving. No one moved, no one spoke. Everyone was frozen stiff, scared to make a move. You could cut the tension with a knife. I was breathing heavily, not believing what I was seeing.

"Audrey..." Liam whispered, snapping me out of my trance. "It's not what it looks--" I didn't stay to hear him finish. I shook my head, muttering to myself. "No... no..." I ran out of the room like my life depended on it, dropping my present for him on the way out. I continued running even when Liam's shouts asked me to stop, I continued running even when I passed by Harry's questioning look. I just had to get out of there. The pain was too much to bear.

I ran past all the boys, each asking me what was wrong and why Liam was chasing me. Needless to say, I did not stop to reply. I ran out of the house, running out into the freezing cold air. Storm clouds rolled across the sky. I sniffed. What else could go wrong?

"Audrey! Stop, just let me explain!" Liam yelled from behind me, slamming the door wide open. Then I made a huge mistake, I looked back.

My breath hitched when I saw him. Even when he broke my heart, he still looked beautiful to me. His golden brown hair was ruffled and messy, his shirt and jacket disheveled and clung tightly to his body. My hear pounded in my chest, my throat constricted. My body wouldn't move even when my brain kept screaming for me to move. I was trapped.

"Audrey, please let me explain." Liam pleaded, as he finally caught up to me. He reached out and touched my arm, making me flinch.

Liam's brown eyes bore into mine. "Please." he whispered.

I tried to speak, but no sound came out. I took a shaking breath as I closed my mouth and shook my head. I was trembling from head to toe, and I don't think it was from the cold.

But Liam didn't seem to notice. He shrugged of his jacket and tried to drape it around me but I took a step backward. I took on a defensive stance and got ready to run at any moment. Tears were still streaming down my face but I was too afraid to wipe them away. I was afraid that if I moved, I might just break down right then and there.

He took a step forward and I took a step backward. His eyes showed he was hurt and that caused all the rage and all the emotions I had bottled up to come out. He had the nerve to be hurt when I was obviously the one hurting right now?!

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE LIAM!!!" I yelled, pushing him with all my might but only causing him to stumble a little. He looked surprised at my outburst as I ran away from him again, running away before I changed my mind. I couldn't even say that without looking him in the eye. No, I could never do it. I could never hate him.

I continued running, blocking out all of the thoughts running through my head. Liam didn't call out this time. Complete and utter silence filled the street as I ran through the deserted neighborhood. I was alone, with an open wound, leaving a little bit of my heart with every step.

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