The First Day

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*Lacy's POV*
I stared into my mirror, examining the reflection in the glassy surface. What I saw disgusted me; staring me straight in the face was an ugly, acne faced, puffy cheeked, scar covered girl. That girl's face held no beauty at all.
I shook my head, slowly turning and starting to pull on my clothes, wincing as the rough fabric dragged over my fresh cuts. I slipped on my black beanie and turned to look at myself again,; I finished getting ready by putting my makeup on, covering up my flaws.
"I'm heading to school, mom!" I looked around the empty kitchen and shook my head. "She's already gone... Typical." I grabbed my school bag and put my headphones in, walking out the door.
~Skip the walk to school~
I walked through the doors of Mariam High School, immediately growing uncomfortable. It was 80 degrees outside and I was dressed in all black; almost none of my skin was exposed. I didn't care, though. As long as nobody saw my cuts, I was happy.
I lowered my head, walking to my homeroom and trying not to get noticed. I made it halfway there, but, right before I turned the corner to the hallway it was in, I was slammed against the empty wall behind me, a sharp pain shooting through my head.

Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far. Sorry the chapter is so short. This is my first story on here, so I would LOVE to hear feedback.
Hope you guys like the story!

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