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(A/N: So here another story, it when my old friend started to sleepover at my house btw I hate the bitch now 😂)

When I was in 4th grade I used to bully this girl with the help of my friends. We called her names, threatened her, and even physically hurt her. I only did it because I wanted to join this group with them other than that I didn't care.

One night we had our first sleepover (A/N: it's a long story, she showed up at my house one day and my mom said she could sleep over..... I got annoyed) and the thing is when she first came to my house she told me my house creeped her out.

It was night everyone was asleep except Liz. I felt my bunk bed shake and then heard creaking coming from it. I ignore it but I felt Liz poking me "wake up!!" She cried out.

I opened my eyes to see her eyes red and she was worried Nah more like scared. "What's wrong?!" I asked her.

"Remember how I told you it's hard for me to sleep right?" She asked me and I nodded not knowing where this was going.

"I swear this is all real, when you were sleeping I heard someone climb onto the top bunk," she said with her voice cracking. My eyes widen in fear cause I did feel my bed shake and at this time my little siblings slept in my mom's room with my mom.

"It-it wasn't human!! It was like a shadow and it was on the bunk but then...." She trailed off taking a deep breath.

"It what?" I asked worriedly. "It was back on the ground staring at..........you," she said, I could feel myself froze in fear and my heart beating faster. I was the type of girl you could scare easily and hearing these things make me wanna have a heart attack.

"You sure? Maybe you saw something else, look do you not see the complete darkness" I said point in a random place. She then began to cry "that's the thing... Even in the darkness, I could see it and it was looking directly at you, not me!!! I'm scared" She cried out. Hold up! You're scared?!?! I'm legit going to piss myself so shut up.

+ + + +
Yeah after that day I asked her more and more questions if she saw it clearly in all the darkness and she said yes. But the thing that scared me, even more, was when my cousin slept over said told me the same thing but instead of 1 shadow, there were 4 looking at me... Yeah at those times I wanted to run away from my family and house.

Anyways I hope you liked it to see you later(:

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