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(A/N: Okay guys storytime(: to be honest the only reason why I write is to release my stress and it really helps. It's funny how I can write lots of stories but in language arts, I'm always complaining. hehe anyway back to the story.)

I was sick and it hurts to breathe so every minute I was coughing and choking on my own spit. My brothers were downstairs and my sister was asleep in my mom's room, while the rest of my family was out.

Being sick was fun cause I missed the days of school but I hated the feeling like I was dying. This time I was upstairs laying on the couch resting my eyes, at some point, I get a feeling that someone or something is watching me.

I was getting that feeling that someone was watching me, I was afraid to open my eyes so I kept them shut. I heard my name being called from my weird mom's room so I answered "Yeah?" I called out weakly.

"Come on I need your help," the voice said. I thought it was my mom cause the voice sounded just like her. I got up but something was holding me back, in my head, a voice whispered: "That's not her". My eyes snapped open looking around.

Everything was normal but my breathing, it was getting heavier. I was shaking with fear trying to figure out what the heck just happened.  Maybe it was my imagination? I didn't know so I ignored it and closed my eyes.

"I need your help, why are you sleep" the voice called out but this time it was deeper and closer to my face. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes so I was trying not to open my them. A cold wind brushes up my body making me shiver.

A cold finger was placed around my ear and whoever ever was that was really close to me, "I know you're awake" it said. This time I let my tears fall "LINCOLN!!!!" I screamed my brother's name crying out. He runs upstairs so fast worried looking at me holding my head crying.

"What happened?" He asked. "Something w-was h-here" I stuttered while my tears ran down my cheeks. I was trembling with fear, "it is here though" he said his voice changing deeper. My brother's body was slowly changing into a black shadow.

More tears were pouring out my eyes seeing this. The shadow was walking closer to me and I kept scooting backward. "Are you scared?" It scared me, I nodded my head sniffing. My back hit the wall behind me blocking all escape and my legs were too weak to run.

The shadow came closer and closer, all I could hear was my own crying. All of a sudden my body was being shaken and I was woken up by my real brother looking at me worried. "Why are you crying?" He asked me.

I felt my cheeks feeling the wetness of my tears, my eyes were burning from all the crying (A/N: I sound weaker than Sakura *rolls eyes*).  "Get away from me!!" I screamed pushing him from me. I clutched my head biting my lip in pain, I was so confused. Was it all a dream? It felt so real.

"What happened?" I said hiccuping , my brother looked at me as if I was crazy. "You were sleeping and screamed all of a sudden then I saw you crying in your sleep," he said. I was frozen hearing what he said. A dream? Yeah right more like a nightmare.

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Okay I'm too scared to upload a photo for this chapter
Sorry :(

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