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Okay guys I'm not going to be updating for a while... Sorry. Anyways I at least wanted to tell you the story of how they died. (A/N: Remember how I told you my old house was haunted? Yeah, a whole family died in that house and I saw how they died). This is going to belong.

It was midnight and I was staring at my ceiling just looking into complete darkness. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes trying to force myself to go to sleep. My body was shaking and I couldn't breathe, I opened my eyes and tried moving my body but couldn't.

My heart rate was increasing and everything around me was swirling around. I felt like I got drugged, my mom was in the next room so I couldn't call for help. I saw a shadow moving in the darkness, a girl then slowly walked out. 'It's that girl from before!!!' I yelled in my head.

She came closer and closer then stopped right at my feet. I felt her hand grab my face squeezing it tightly. My body became weaker as she whispered something to me that I couldn't make out. I slowly started to fall asleep.

I woke up in another bed 'what happened to my bunk bed?' I thought. My whole room changed from pink to a light gray color (A/N: My mom painted the room pink cause my sister thought it would be 'cute' even though I hated it -_-)

I heard laughter coming from the kitchen so I got up to see my whole house was changed. Our furniture was different. I was so confused thinking someone kidnapped me but then looked at the window to see complete darkness. 

"Mom I'm going to my room" I heard a girl call out. I walked towards the kitchen to see people I have never seen before but they looked familiar but where? A girl wearing a white dress with long black hair walked right through me.

Was I dead? The family didn't notice me but the dog did he barked at me warning the family but they ignored him. I ran towards my old room to find out my old room was her old room. She was laying down writing in a journal?

A few minutes past and I felt stupid for falling asleep next to her while she drew but was awake by the sound of glass breaking. The girl ran out of her room fast with me following behind her to see the living room window broken by a brick. She was too busy looking at the window to notice someone was behind her.

Even if they can't see me I was shaking with fear. The guy grabbed the girl from behind making her scream but it was muffled by his hand over her mouth. The dog was barking at me so I kicked it away until he somehow bit my leg pulling me towards my basement.

I tried my best to ignore the dog but heard a gunshot coming from downstairs. The girl was thrown downstairs by the man who I think was an intruder. He closed the door but I walked through the door and followed the dog that was laying on the stairs whimpering. "Show me where the girl is" I whispered to the dog.

He heard me!!! Do all dogs see ghosts? Hell Nah!! then I'm never getting a dog. The dog ran downstairs with me walking slowly downstairs to see blood footprints leading into my dad's old room. I heard screaming coming from the bathroom so I ran towards it (A/N: Hey! They can't see me so I wasn't stupid for doing it).

"Let go of mom!! Dad, please stop!!!" The girl cried out. She was tied up with tape hanging down her lips. I turned my head to see a guy with black hair choking a woman who was in the bathtub. She was under the water and was going to suffocate. 

Bubbles came out of the water and I ran towards him placing a hand on his shoulder but went right through him. I couldn't do anything but watch as he killed his wife. She was dying slowly so I stepped back sitting by the girl trying to comfort her.

I felt someone staring at me and turned around to see a black figure on the couch. My body became weaker and fell asleep... Again. Someone was biting my leg so I kicked it off until I heard a bark "the dog!!" I screamed and got up fast to see blood almost everywhere.

The dog was injured badly laying down breathing heavily. I picked him up and placed him on the couch and looked around the basement but wished I didn't, in the bathroom was the mom laying inside cold water dead.

I walked upstairs to see a little girl on the ground eyes closed skin pale from blood loss. I ran towards her feeling her pulse seeing she was dead, there were bruises all over her body. I wanted to puke but I held it in. I then went into my old big brother's room to see another girl laying on the bed dead with blood coming from her mouth.

'What happened to the other girl?' I went back into my room to see it clean like no one entered it. Her journal was opened with tears and bloodstains. I flipped through some pages and read the first line saying.

Dear, Diary

It's been 2 days since my dad killed my family. I thought I could surpass my depression but it hurts so much, I can't do this anymore.

Half of the paper was ripped off and I noticed the bathroom door was locked but the lights were on. I place my hand on the knob but it was the lock, I almost forgot I could walk through stuff. I entered the bathroom to see her hanging from the bathroom ceiling with a noose around her neck.

Her hair was covering her face and she was still wearing her white dress. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt my tears hit my feet. Blood drops were on the floor, I whipped away my tears but kept crying.

Why was I crying? I didn't know the girl but yet I felt like I knew her from somewhere. I covered my face and my silent crying turned into full-on sobs. I felt weak for crying over someone I just meet. I felt a cold hand removing my hands from my face.

The girl that was hanging from the ceiling was now close to my face. I couldn't see her face it was covered by her hair "Wake up!" She snapped at me her voice sounded demon-like. My body sprung up and I hit my bed on my bunk bed.

My eyes were wet but it was still midnight. 'How?' I wondered, my eyes were burning from the sobs from my dream? I didn't know what it was. I felt someone watching me and turned my head towards the door to see a shadow placing a finger towards his or her lip telling me to be quiet.

+ + + +
Okay thanks, guys for reading my stories and I won't be updating for a while... Sorry, but I hoped you liked it, until next time(:

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