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(A/N: So these are the dreams I had 3 times, but they each had different endings.)


I was in an unfamiliar kitchen with 3 other people. Me, my Mom, a girl I never knew before, and a woman I never met.

I was standing up facing the blondie while she stared at me. My mother was at the kitchen table talking to the other women.

"Wanna play?" She asked. The girl was pretty but she looked sad. I nodded my head while she pulled me away from the kitchen.

All of a sudden the scene changed and I was at a place full of rides. The girl was in front of me but farther away.

Everybody was laughing and having fun even me but the girl looked uncomfortable.

"You okay?" I asked her. "Yeah let's go," she said pulling my hand. I felt like something weird was going to happen but I rubbed it off.

I was staring at a ride that looked cool. I was too distracted to realize the girl that was nearby me was gone.

She disappeared and everywhere was crowded making it hard to find her. I didn't ask for her name which was pretty stupid.

I ran around looking for her then found an empty hallway. It was dark and it creeped me out then all of a sudden someone screamed loud.

Because of that scream, I woke up sweating. The scream was her and I was sure of it.


I was in the same kitchen again. My eyes widen seeing the girl. "But you disappeared," I told her

She smiled laughing "but we just met," she said. I looked around seeing everything was in the same place.

Even my mom was talking to the woman like before. "What's your name?" I asked.

Her face saddens all of a sudden. "Were cousins" she said. I was confused cause not to be racist I didn't remember having any white cousins.

But eh I believed her cause I have many cousins I didn't know even existed. "Come with me" she whispered pulling me away from the kitchen... again.

She went upstairs and I followed her clueless. We finally reached a room that looked weird. It had creepy pictures hanging on the wall, stuffed clown, and the room was red.

She looked sad again and I asked her "what's wrong?" She shook her head not wanting to tell me. The girl ran off all of a sudden closing the door. I tried running after her but the door was locked.

I twisted it, pulled it, and banged on the door repeatedly. The door opened and tried to run downstairs but then a woman popped up scaring the crap out of me.

"Stop trying!!!" She yelled at me. Her voice was really loud and woke me up.

I didn't see the woman's face but I saw her hair. It was a dirty blond so I figured it was her mom.


So I was really tired and decided to sleep. But it was in the morning when I had the same dream. This is weird cause never in my life have I had a dream when I sleep during the day.

Most of my dream happens in the night never in the day.

~In the dream~

I was back in the kitchen again. At first, I didn't remember this cause it been few weeks since I had this dream. The girl looked a little older this time. She didn't say anything but walked away.

I left the kitchen following her. She was crying for some reason and I wanted to ask her why. Cause she did say we were cousins and I care about family even if I didn't show it.

"Why are you crying?" I asked she ignored it and walked up the stairs into a different room.

As I was walking I noticed a window, I looked outside to see complete darkness. I went into the same room as her to find her on the bed with her head down crying.

The room looked fine, it had giant stuff teddy bears with a lot of toys. "Who room is this?" I asked.

"It's mine," she said. I looked at her weirdly cause she sometimes stayed quiet and nod or shook her head.

"Why are you crying tho?" I asked her sitting next to her. She scooted away from me.

"I can't tell you," she said. "Why not?" I asked. She stayed quiet but got up about to leave the room.

"You keep messing up" I heard her whisper. She was about the leave but stopped at the door "stay here and don't move" she warned.

I watched as she closed to door leaving me alone in her room. On the wall, I saw a cockroach crawling.

And after that more bugs came out of a little hole. My mom used to tell me when you see bugs in your dreams something bad is going to happen and you have to wake up.

I got up walking to the door trying to open it but it was locked.

I thought maybe I should check under the bed so I did. I crawled under it to find a lot more space than I expected.

Something pulled me deeper under the bed scarring me. My body dropped into a deep hole.

I was in a room but it was empty with black walls. "I'm sorry" I heard her voice call out.

"Are you doing this?" I asked. She didn't reply. All of a sudden cockroaches dropped from above into the room filling it up.

I was deathly afraid of bugs but how did she know? I went to the other side of the room scared and practically crying.

"Stop this!! This isn't funny!! Is this some kind of sick joke?! Well, fuck you!!" I screamed as more dropped down.

"I'm not controlling this," she said crying. I was confused but scared cause the bugs was filled up my knees and they kept dropping faster and faster.

It stopped at my shoulder crawling all over me. I scream but it got in my mouth. Right here I was scared to death. I spit out the bugs coughing "STOP THIS!!!" I screamed.

The crying got louder and louder "it's not me, it's my mom doing this" she said.

I woke up crying and breathing hard. I then realized I never did saw her mom's face in the dreams. It was a complete mystery to me.

+ + + +
That dream was always confused and I never knew what the dream meant. Can one of you guys help me?

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