Authors note!!

3.8K 118 8

I would like to thank you all for the 15.5K views on my book, that means a lot to me!!! Lol, I sound too happy... Which I am XD.

Anyways I wanted to know if you guys would want more of my creepy haunted house stories? Cause some of you guys to seem interested in it. And some of my haunted house stories aren't in order... Sorry, but I'll make a chapter explaining everything.

Also, yes my stories at 100% real, and if you want to ask me any questions message me. Also, check out my other books, you don't have to if you don't want to but it'll be great if you do(:

*Thinks* Oh yeah I almost forgot, I may have misspelled some words on the chapters and I'll try my best to fix it. The reason I misspelled words is that I text too fast, and also there's autocorrect.

BLA I'm boring you guys, before I go I want to say my goal is to reach 100K views on this, and maybe you guys can help me out? Again thanks for everything and see you in the next chapter(:

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