Silver boats upon shrubbery seas
invisible threads traversing canopies
billowing between grass blades to dry
shimmering with water diamonds dazzling the new woke eye.
Talismans of Autumn proclaiming
her conception in awakened flaming
and in her shivered crisp-en dawning
vestiges of summer settle in comfortable yawning.
Where stone to pebble is sand hewn
along tumbled tide-lines flotsam festooned
cushion bones bleached by sun and storms
become punctuation amongst sombre colour forms
Sheltered, half hidden, by shifting sands
or curiosities in investigative hands
pennants proclaiming ocean's mystery
tombstones to the lost of a multi-peopled sea
Calcium clusters passing on their store
to feathered clans rummaging the salty shore
likewise the cobb's web gathers it's works worth
a store to fill spider's winter girth
So completing the circle of life and season
participating, as their nature, in nature's cohesion
birth to death, death to birth
all and everything essential to the earth
Cuttlebone and Cobwebs
PoetryThe beauty of everything from in the land sea and sky from Cuttlebones to Cobwebs