Gotta Be You - Chapter 1<3

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                                                                                   *Laurens POV*

Plane seats are so uncomfy, i mean how do these people fall too sleep? I have the best seats, 2 old men at either side of me. Yey! I guess i better tell you why i'm here.


I'm playing with my teddy bear in the lounge, I'm only 6 years old. Just doing what any normal 6 year old would do. I have one sister, Eloise. Suddenly, i heard a lot of banging from the back room and lots of screaming and shouting. My mum ran in to the lounge, horror was written all over her face, she scooped me and Eloise up into her arms and tiptoed upstairs. "i'll be back darlings, i love you with all my heart" she cried, kissing both of us on the head, then running downstairs. I kept my teddy close, it was the only thing i could hold onto and cuddle. My mum and dad got me it for my first birthday, they got Eloise one too, but mines special. It has a rip on its left foot, i have a birthmark on my left foot, its a perfect circle. Me and Eloise crept under my bed as we clung onto eachother. I tried to block out the screaming and shouting but it was too loud. There was too loud bangs, which echoed through the house, followed by a huge scream....then silence. I waited for my mum to come up and comfort me and tell my everything was fine, but she didn't. Me and Eloise finally decided to go and check to see if she was okay, but she wasn't. Blood was pouring rapidly from her body and she wasn't breathing, my dad was the same. I collapsed onto the hard, cold floor, the floor i'd never see again. My parents were dead. My parents had a proper funeral though, which was nice. We both got taken into care, and got transported to Australia for some unknown reason. It was torture to be honest. We were lucky enough to stay together through it all though. She's my sister, but also my best friend. And i love her so much.

                                                                  *Eloise POV*

Yes boiz! Back to England! I was sat in the seat infront of Lauren. We decided to head over here at last minute so we didn't get the seats next to each other. " 10 MINUTES!" I screamed, turning around to see a happy face beaming back. "AHHHHH, i can't wait!" she said giddily. We got a few odd looks from various people nearby, especially the grumpy old men Lauren was next to. Lauren has bright blue eyes and beautiful red curly hair. It's quite long and it suits her perfectly. She's the perfect twin, i wouldn't change her one bit. We were instructed by the air staff to fasten our seatbelts and that we would be landing shortly. "eeeeeeek"  i heard Lauren squeal. Bless her. I looked out of the window and saw land, there was tiny houses and lots of countryside, then a bit further on was the runway. I was soo excited. It began to circle. Aww cmon land for god sake! Just at that moment the plane landed with a bump on the runway and then finally came to a halt. I jumped up and completely forgot that the roof was quite low and whacked my head. OUCH! Lauren burst out laughing. "ah shit" i exclaimed, Lauren grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the plane. It was raining. Typical English weather. We sprinted down the stairs, urgently wanting shelter. We entered the airport and the warmth of it hit me like a bullet. "oh yeah, were in England" Lauren sung, while dancing around like a right loony. "how did i end up with you?" I laughed, winking at her. "I'm special" she said cheerfully. "gimme a hug!" i exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug. We ran towards the thing were our belongings would be and waited for our amazing pink and blue suitcases to appear. We used to live in Wakefield, which is in yorkshire. We didn't want to live somewhere else but yorkshire. But we wanted somewhere good for our education. So Doncaster it is! Our bright coloured bags finally appeared and we pulled them off dragging them behind us. "we need a taxi don't we?" i said tapping Lauren on the shoulder. "oh yeh, i'll call for one" she said smiling. She pulled her iphone out of her pocket and dialled the number on the window for a taxi. After about 2 minutes,the call ended and she said they would be about 5-10 minutes. Finally the taxi arrived and we clambered in. I checked the time on my phone, it was 3:22 maybe we could explore the place we were staying for a bit when we got back. I was really looking forward to life here. Hopefully it was going to be worth it.

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