Gotta Be You - Chapter 8<3

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                                                                  *Dani's POV*

As soon as Courteney came down the stairs she raced over to Lauren and whispered something in her ear. Probably saying sorry or something. Louis placed his bum on the sofa next to me and I snuggled upto him. I'm so glad i've got someone like him in my life, if i didn't i don't know how i'd cope. He's someone i can tell anything to, someone who i can trust and who's always there for me. I'm so greatful to have him, he's my life. I think everyone was starting to get a bit uncomfortable because no-one was speaking they were just glued to the telly. This isn't good for Lauren, it's just going to make her feel worse. "who's up for bowling?" Nessa exclaimed, reading my mind. "me!" I replied immediatly. "i'm so glad someone said that!" Louis said smiling. "It was well awkard!" Nicola said laughing a little. "I think i'm just going to stay here" Lauren said quietly. "me too" Harry replied. "no your not, your coming whether we have to drag you out of this house!" Eloise demanded, she was a very aggressive person this girl. Lauren rolled her eyes and started to get her shoes and coat on. "i'll pay for everyone" Liam offered, he's a very generous guy. "suits me" Shems winked.  After a long time trying to persuade Liam that we should pay we finally got bored and let him pay. It was a pretty good game to be honest. Ending up with Louis and Harry belly flopping onto the isles and knocking all the pins over. In the end we all were made to leave, but it was very funny to watch. This should've lightened the mood a bit. We all went back to Liams because he had like a proper massive house. "woah" Lauren laughed. "big init!" Zayn said going into the house even before Liam had stepped in. Well it was like his second home. We watched a few movies and just ate a load of junk food, including ben and jerrys ice-cream, yummm! "so ermm.. Lauren, do you know who did it?" Harry asked seriously. The room fell silent. Lauren's face wasn't happy and cheery anymore, it was pale and she looked scared. Courteney walked over to her and laid her arm on her shoulder. "it's okay you know, it will be even better if you know who it is, so if you do, don't be afraid to tell us" Shems explained, grabbing hold of her hand to comfort her. She was silent for a bit. Just looking into thin air. " I don't know who did it" she said, looking up towards all of us. "it's okay Lauren" Niall said. Harry looked devastated, I know he wanted to kill the person who had done. "come here" he said, holding his arms out for her. She ran into his arms. Her sobs echoing around the room. Hopefully now, from this day, things were going to get better. I placed a soft kiss on Louis lips causing his beautiful smile to show. Atleast there was something worth living for.

                                               1 month Later

                                                           * Laurens POV*

After the lie I told one month ago, things were getting better. I still had the guilt in my stomach though,i hadn't told anyone who the boy was. I had to face him some days at school though, I felt sick everytime i saw him but I was getting better. Life was going okay. Me and Harry weren't together, but i think i really do love him. He's so sweet and bloody gorgeous. It was now Thursday and the bell had just gone for home. Whooop! Harry was coming back to mine for a bit and Eloise was bringing some boy home who she'd been seeing, but she wouldn't tell us who it was. Me and Harry had a plan like, so we would know by the end of the night. "y'alright Lauren?" Nessa asked, showing her perfect smile. Her long brown hair fell effortlessly from her head, wish i had hair like hers. She jumped as some arms snaked around her waist, obviously Nialler.  She turned around and kissed him on the lips, then it turned into a game of tonsil tennis. Awkward. "get a room!" Harry shouted, they broke apart and Nessa hid into Nialls chest we all just laughed and headed home. "have fun" Dani winked. "yeah, don't be mean to my boyfriend!" Louis replied, winking at Harry. "I'll try not to Lou, but i'm not promising anything" I said laughing. "bye guys and gals!" Shems shouted, then being pulled away by Zayns lips. God these people were obssessed with each other.  Eloise was coming home later on, she was with her 'mystery man'. "come on then babe" Harry said, grabbing my hand. We walked home, talking about the day that had just happened. "your beautiful Lauren" Harry said, out of the bloom. I blushed and turned away. Gahh why did he do this to me? "aww you blushing babe" he said turning my face to his. I felt light rain drops, dripping on my nose. Oh shizzle its raining. "thanks harry, it means loads you know,  not many people say that to me" I said shyly. I looked down to the ground, trying to avoid eye contact. Because if i did i swear i'd get lost in them forever. But that wasn't a bad thing. The rain was pouring now, we were soaked to death! I looked up and he was beaming at me. His cute dimples showing and his beautiful smile. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. Butterflys were flying around in my stomach. I was on cloud 9, exploding with happiness. I didn't pull away like last time, i went for it and loved every bit. It was amazing, like something you see in movies. But this was very real. His lips were soft and welcoming and I could just die like this. It was magical. We both pulled away. "woah" was all I managed to say. He went in for more but i placed my finger on his lips, grabbed his hand and ran all the way home. I was so happy. I pulled the door open to find my sister on the sofa, snogging some boys face off. "get a room El" Harry laughed. I wolf whistled and she suddenly sprang from the boy, her face as red as a tomatoe. Then i noticed him, the boy. I'd seen him before. I knew him. My world came crashing down. How could she? But then i realised she didn't know. His evil green eyes met mine and the sides of his mouth moved slightly, he knew i'd noticed. My sister was dating the boy that raped me.

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