Gotta Be You - Chapter 9<3

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                                                                    *Lauren's POV*

How could he? Why would he? I would have thought he would have wanted to stay as far away from me as possible. I could just turn him in at any moment. But something was telling him I wasn't going to, or he didn't even care. Eloise looked pretty embarrased from our sudden outburst, but she wasn't upset or anything. If she knew, she wouldn't have been all over him two minutes ago. He'd probably be dead by now. If he did anything to her, I swear i'd kill him. I suddenly came back to Earth when Harry clicked his fingers infront of my face. "Earth to Lauren" he said laughing. "oh, ermm..sorry, what was you saying?" I said quietly. Eloise rolled her eyes, "For the second time, this is Jake, my boyfriend, you might have seen him around school, but yeah" she said confidently, he pulled her close, making me flinch. I felt the bruises that he had done tingle on my legs. "hello mate, welcome to the gang" Harry said smiling, shaking his hand. A proper gentleman. Unlike Jake. So that was his name. I now knew the name of the boy that raped me. "why don't we call the others over, so they can get to know Jake?" Harry asked, I just nodded. "that's a great idea!" Eloise exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "sounds like a plan" Jake said smiling. Yeah like the plan to rape me, I thought to myself. After a few phone calls they all decided to come round and Courteney was bringing Josh round so they we had two people to get to know. I was happy to meet Josh, but not Jake. Not at all Jake. Infact at this moment in time I'd rather be anywhere in the world than here. *Ding Dong* the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I shouted, walking towards the hall. I pulled the door open to see a crowd of very familiar faces. Well except one. Shems jumped on me first pulling me into a tight hug, followed by Zayn,Liam,Louis,Niall and what must be Josh. Then Courteney,Nicola, Nessa and Dani gave me a huge hug. Asking me if i was okay etc. "where's the love of Eloise's life then?" Louis joked. "oh, ermm.. through there" I said quietly. I'd never thought of it like that before. What if he was the love of El's life, what if i had to live with this for the rest of my life. I'd probably end up commting suicide or something stupid. "ELOISE!" I heard Nicola scream. A small smile appeared on my face, these guys were my life now. I stepped into the living room and Harry stared at me, putting his index finger out and beckoning me towards him. I walked as a normal as I could and sat next to him. I glanced over to Jake, he was passionately kissing my sister, it made me feel sick. An awful taste came to the back of my mouth. I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I threw up and sat on the floor in the bathroom, leaning my head against the toilet. My life was so messed up. I slowly got up steadying myself so I didn't fall over. I hadn't eaten anything today, the thought of food made me feel more sick. I crept downstairs, trying not to be noticed. "Lauren, are you okay?" Harry said seriously, running towards me. "ofcourse, i'm just not feeling that well" I lied. I hate lying. But i seem to be doing a lot of it lately. "come give me a hug" Dani said smiling. I walked over to her and gave her a big hug. I liked the comfort of Dani, she was always nice to me. She knew the right things to say, unlike Courteney, she just comes out with a load of rubbish. But it puts a smile on my face because its pretty funny. Courteney was snuggled upto Josh, he played with her hair softly. They were going to last a while. I decided to go say hi, be polite. "helloo guys" I said smiling. I was trying to be as friendly as I could. "y'alright Lauren?" Courteney asked, smiling sweetly. "I'm good you?" I replied. "i'm amazing, by the way, this is Josh, Josh this is Lauren" Courteney introduced. "hey Josh" I smiled. "hey Lauren, ermm.. don't want to remind you of anything, but i'm err.. sorry about what happened, you know the other night" He stuttered. It didn't hurt actually. I was sort of happy that he cared about me, even though we'd just met. "erm.. thanks, it's nice of you to say that" I said smiling. We were in conversation for ages. Josh was such a funny guy and not as shy as i thought. Although he did like football. Niall joined in the conversation aswell talking about football. "so, you coming to watch man united soon?" Harry asked. "yes man!" Josh replied, high fiving Harry. "You don't know what your on about you lot supporting man united!" Niall complained. Making us all chuckle a bit. I glanced round to see if i could find Eloise and Jake, they were in the corner of the room there hands all over each other. He was touching her leg, just like he touched mine. But she wasn't screaming like I was, she was laughing. It brought back horrible memories, the ones i wanted to forget. "Lauren, are you okay?" Nicola asked. I nodded. "you sure Lauren, you don't look too good" Liam added. "honestly, I'm ok" I said frustrated. This wasn't me, I didn't lie, I always told the truth. Zayn and Shems were now running round the room, he was chasing her. She was laughing so much she just fell to the ground. I found it quite funny. He pulled her across the floor. He picked her up bridal style and rocked her from side to side. "1..2..3.." He shouted, then throwing her onto the couch. She was laughing so much. He sat on her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Atleast some people were happy. I felt some strong arms wrap around my tiny waist and pull me towards them. Obviously I knew who this was. Harry. I turned round hoping to see his gorgeous smile and his cute dimples showing, but instead I saw concern. "Lauren, what's wrong? Don't lie to me" His voice spoke, I just wanted to let it all out. Tell everybody everything. But I just couldn't. "your so pale, you look like you've seen a ghost, earlier you ran upstairs when nothing had happened and then when Eloise introduced Jake, you just went into another world, what's wrong babe? you can tell me anything, trust me" His voice spoke like an angel, soft, welcoming and beautiful. But I had to disappoint him, I couldn't face telling anybody yet. Besides, Eloise is happy with him. Maybe it was just a one off. "I err.. I err.. just don't feel too good" I stuttered. "somethings telling me that your lying" he replied. "well that something is wrong, I just feel ill" I replied. He smiled. "okay, well just know that too me, your my life, if you ever need to tell me anything i'm here babe" Harry said sweetly. "thankyou harry" I said smiling a little. I pulled him into a big hug and he kissed my cheek, leaving tingles were his lips had once been a few seconds ago. "I'm just going to the loo" I told him. "okay, but hurry back" He winked, still the cheeky Mr. Styles I knew. I walked into the toilet forgetting to lock the door. I ran the tap and wet my face. I was such a wreck. Tears starting pouring down my face leaving black stains. I looked up into the mirror. He was there. Hisface was in the mirror. Was I being haunted or something? I turned around, but it was very real. I panicked I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his hand. Turning around slowly, he locked the door. I was trapped. He came closer to me, our bodies were touching. His face was inches away from mine. He came closer, I turned away. Flinching. "now, you listen to me missy, you mention anything about the other night, to anyone and I will kill you, okay, i'll do it, i'm not scared of you and for the record, I don't love Eloise, but she's never gunna know, because your not going to tell her are you?" he whispered harshly into my ear. I shook my head. "good, now you go down there and you act normal, act yourself, people are gunna get suspicious!" he ordered. I was petrified. I'd do anything to stay alive. But what if it meant putting my own blood in danger, my sister.

                                                               *Harry's POV*

Lauren had been a little off with everyone recently. Probably the fact of what had happened to her, but still. I thought she'd want to move on. Maybe my surprise for her tonight would soon change her mind. I then noticed she was still upstairs, and Jake had dissapeared aswell. I began to walk upstairs, just to check on her. She might be upset or maybe really ill or something? Or maybe something else?

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