Gotta Be You - Chapter 5<3

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                                                            *Eloise's POV*

I was sat in English, not really paying attention to what Sir was saying. I couldn't be arsed really, I just wanted to go home. I had a feeling tonight was going to be pretty good. "okay, well done today class, you may pack up" Sir's boring voice echoed. Finally. I packed everything away and glanced over to the window, a boy caught my eye though. He looked pretty fit to be honest, he had dark hair and bright green eyes, he winked. Then turned back to talk to his mates. The bell dingalinged and I made my way out of the classroom, I decided to wait for Liam and Nessa as they were in mine. "hey babe!" Nessa exclaimed pulling me into a hug, she was a happy bunny. So happy all the time. I just laughed and we made our way outside, the gang was waiting for us, bless em. "y'alright Elly?" Shems said nudging me in the arm. "I'm alright Shems" I said smiling. "Sooo excited for tonight" Dani exclaimed, she was cuddling upto Louis, they were so sweet. "me too" Harry added. I think Lauren liked him, *note-to-self , ask Lauren about that* I knew her too well, were twins. We all began to walk but someone pulled me back, it was Liam. "El, I just want to warn you about something, the boy you was looking at earlier, and he winked, you know the one?" He said seriously. I was pretty shocked, how did he know. "how do you know?" I asked, shocked. "It was obvious Eloise" Liam chuckled "anyway, back to business, don't get involved with him, he's trouble, its completely your decision, but I'm just warning you, as a friend would do" he said seriously. "Thanks Liam" I said, I gave him a quick hug and he said he'd see us tonight. I jogged back to Lauren, she was walking a long with Harry. "what'supp sis and hazza?" I said jumping between them. They laughed. "nothing much El, we were just talking about tonight" Harry replied smiling. We chatted for a while untill we reached the end of the road. "This is mine then" Harry said, we said bye and he walked off. We finally reached our home, after a long 10 minute walk. I hate walking. "ahhhhh" I said, collapsing onto the sofa. So did Lauren. "Pretty good first day, wannit" Lauren said happily. "Yeah, especially for you" I joked with her, she looked up and I winked. "I know everything sis, spill the beans then Styles lover" I said, running over and jumping on the sofa she was on.  A blush crept onto her face, she was in deep thought. She definately liked this guy. "he's gorgeousss!" She exclaimed. "and he's really nice to me, he told me I was beautiful today, i think i like him El" She said seriously. "awww, my little sisters in love" I joked. "Eloise, be realisitic, your like 5 minutes older, I'm not really your 'little sis' " She stated. I rolled my eyes and made my way into the kitchen. FOOD. I grabbed myself some haribo and went upstairs to get ready. "What you wearing?" I asked her. She skipped into my room holding up a beautiful brown skirt and a dark blue vest top, with a black little cardigan. "what do you think?" She asked unsurely. "your going to look stunning" I replied happily. She took a beamer and ran into her room, probably getting a shower or something. I walked over to my wardrobe pulling it open. "Lauren, come here" I shouted, shortly after she ran into my room in her dressing gown and her hair up in a towel. "nice turbin" I said laughing. She giggled. "so, what about this?" I asked, pulling out dark denim high waisted shorts and a white baggy vest top, which I would tuck in. "fantasticoo" she said in a italian accent. After a good hour and a half we were both finally ready, the doorbell buzzed and I ran down the stairs. I quickly looked at myself in the huge mirror in the hallway, checking I looked okay. I pulled the door open and Nessa and Niall, stood there smiling like cheshire cats. Niall looked hot in Chinos and Nessa wore a very pretty summer dress. She's bloody gorgeous that girl. Basically as soon as they step foot in the house Louis and Dani burst in singing 'I'm sexy and I know it' god, they make me laugh. Louis wore a striped top, with red chinos and TOMS! I'd known him what? a day, and I already knew he had a toms collection. Dani wore high waisted brown shorts and a gorgeous top. They went straight to the kitchen and got a drink. They were followed by Shems and Nicola and then last of all Liam,Zayn and Harry came. Shems wore a gorgeous playsuit and Nicola wore a skirt and top, all the girls looked beautiful. And the boys just looked fit as. "hey, where's Courteney?" Nialler asked, looking round for her, yet did he know she was on a date. "she's on a date" Nicola exclaimed, clapping her hands. She was soo excited bless her, I think she was probably the cupid of the group a long with Niall. We were all sat on the sofa, Nicola was cuddled upto Liam, Nessa was having a snog sesh with Niall, Dani and Louis were whispering into each others ears and giggling. N'aww. "Shems can I talk to you for a bit" Zayn interrupted, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the kitchen.

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