Gotta Be You - Chapter 6<3

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                                                                   *Harry's POV*

I was starting to get worried about Lauren, she'd been gone atleast half an hour. Maybe it was just me being paranoid, but it can't take this long to go to the shop. Most of us had sobered up now as there was nothing in the house which was alcoholic to drink. "why don't we watch a movie until Lauren comes back?" Liam asked. We all agreed. "I wanna watch paranormal activity!" Zayn shouted. "No, please, can't we watch something happy?" Nicola added, "aww, you scared babe?" Liam asked her, pulling her close. He placed a small kiss on her lips and she beamed at him. "okay, fine, but next time i'm picking!" She laughed. We all sat down and put the film on. To be honest I couldn't care less about it, Lauren had been gone an hour or 2 now, this was far too long, I need to go find her. Eloise got up and ran to the toilets, she was crying really bad. "what's wrong with her?" Louis asked, a puzzled look crossed his face. "probably the fact that Lauren's been gone, what 2 hours?!" I said, getting aggrivated. "I'll go see if she's okay" Niall said, making his way up stairs. "Harry, are you okay, maybe we should go find her when Nialler and Elly come down?" Shems said, giving me a sympathetic look. "I agree" Dani said, she looked really scared, her skin was going pale and she was shaking a bit. "babe, are you ok?" Louis asked her, wrapping his arms around her. She burst into tears, oh my god, bless her. "aww babe, shhhhh" Louis said softly, placing a kiss on her head. "I just hope she's okay" Dani said, in between crying. Eloise and Niall scrambled down the stairs, he had his arm around her shoulder, you could tell he meant something to her, but nothing more than very good friends. Vanessa didn't seem fussed, which is good because at this moment it wouldn't have been good for an argument. Eloise sat on the sofa and Dani comforted her. "Shall we get going then?" Zayn asked, grabbing his coat. "yeah, i think we should, but i think its best if El stays here" Niall said, we all agreed. Dani suggests she should stay with Eloise, just to make sure she was okay. All the rest of us decided we would go find her. Nessa went with Niall, Zayn went with Shems, Nicola went with Liam and Louis came with me. "I'm so worried about her" I said, looking at my feet as we walked towards the shop. "cmon man, think positive, she'll be okay" Louis reassured me. We were both quiet then, we decided we would be, just incase we heard any mumbles or shuffling. The shop was now in sight and there was no sign of Lauren anywhere. I walked past an alley way and picked up my pace. Suddenly I heard some sort of moan. "did you hear that?!" I whispered, Louis looked towards me and shook his head. "I swear I just heard it!" I said, was running round everywhere trying to see if I could hear it again. "harry" A very faint whisper said. "I heard that!" Louis exclaimed, I looked towards the alley way, she was there. I ran towards her. She was sat down leaning against a wall. Her skirt had been ripped and she had 2 huge bruises on the top of her legs. Oh my god no. She can't have, not to Lauren. Tears streamed down my face as I stroked her soft red hair. "I'm so sorry mate" Louis said, it sounded like he was crying a bit aswell. I felt her leg, it was ice cold,and she was shaking. "we need to get her home, she's freezing!" I exclaimed. "I'll call the others, tell them we've found her" Louis said yanking his hand out of his coat pocket. I scooped her frail body into my arms and ran home. "harry?" she said, very quietly. "Lauren, are you okay can you hear me?" I panicked. "AHH HARRY HELP ME, PLEASE GET HIM OFF ME!" she screamed, she flung her arms in every direction, screaming for help. I broke into tears, I can't believe this is happening. "shh, Lauren, its me harry, your safe, your ok" I said quietly. Her eyes opened, revealing her beautiful blue eyes. "harry, please don't let him hurt me" Lauren said, this hurt me so much, as if someone could be that sick. It's horrible. "i won't babe, i'll never ever let that happen again" I replied. We reached the house, I wrenched the door open and barged in, everyone was sat on the sofa's looking at me. Eloise burst into tears when she saw the sight of her sister. I don't blame her, I did the same. "Guys, she's fine, I'm gunna take her to bed now, she needs some rest, i'll explain in a bit" I said, they nodded and I carried Lauren upstairs. I didn't really know which bedroom was hers, but I guessed it was the one she took me in earlier. I opened the door and noticed her pink bed in the corner of the room. I gently placed her in her bed and pulled her covers over her, she should be warm soon. "goodnight Lauren, sleep well beautiful" I said, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. I looked around her room to see pictures of her and Eloise when they was younger, there was none of her parents though. I wonder why that was? I walked out of the room, just before I was about the close the door I heard her say "goodnight Harry" This made small smile appear on my face. I guess I was going to have to explain to the rest of them now.

                                                                      *Vannessa's POV*

I was sat next to Niall on the sofa, nobody was smiling, not like they were earlier. Everyone was dull and upset. I was too, how could something happen to Lauren? She's just too nice, always smiling. I just don't get why all the awful things happen to the people that are so nice. I feel like cheering everyone up, but I suppose it wouldn't work. I heard sobs from Eloise, coming from the other side of Niall. I was a bit jelous of her because Niall was paying attention, but he has a reason to, her sister was hurt, someone had to comfort her. I looked around to all my friends, sat silent in the living room. Dani was curled up in Louis' arms, her face pale and afraid. Louis was worst of all though, he knows what happened to Lauren but he said it was best Harry told us. I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs, and then Harry's face appeared. His curls were still perfect and the same, the jolly things;) but his face was a completely different story. His eyes were red and puffy. He slumped next to Louis on the couch and was silent for a while. I felt so sorry for him, I knew he liked her, alot. It must be hard for him. He found her in the state she was in, it must have been awful. "so, ermm what happened mate?" Zayn hesitated, before he asked. Harry told us everything. But he didn't say who. "who raped her! I'm gunna kill him!" Eloise exclaimed, clenching her fists. This is the first time i'd seen her like this, she was very protective. We all agreed with her though, what a horrible human being he was. Its just wrong that there's people like that out there. Dani had tears forming in her eyes, Louis was comforting her. Bless him. "I wanna kill him too, but the thing is, i don't know who did it to her" Oh my god. "we'll just have to wait and see if Lauren knows" Liam said, pulling Nicola towardss him. She was wreck. I was trying to stay strong, I don't like letting my emotions out infront of people. I'm normally the happy, joyful one, so I don't want to make the mood even more worse. Eloise offered for us all to stay over, as it was so late. I just wanted to know who did that to one of my bestfriends, he needed to be punished. The only way that would happen though is if Lauren remembers.

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