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Hey my lovely readers. So here is the next chapter. Check out my Polyvore page to see posters and what Katie is wearing in the chapter! Please remember to vote, review, and enjoy reading this chapter! 

Anyways, I don't own anything except my OC Katie.

What seemed to be like an hour later, we finally reached the shore. Lucy and I climbed out first before the others. It felt like we were in that boat for days. I was stretching my arms as my friends, except for Lucy, were pulling the boat out of the water. I watched Lucy as she walked off, she and I noticed something in the distance. It was a bear. Lucy smiled at the bear and walked closer to it.

"Hello there!"

The bear turned his head and stared at her. I looked at the bear and I suddenly had a very bad feeling. Lucy was oblivious as she continued walking towards the bear.

"It's alright, we're friends," she said.

My eyes widen as the bear stood up on his feet glaring at Lucy like she was his dinner.

"Lucy wait," I said as I grabbed her arm.

Trumpkin must have heard me because he called out, "Don't move, your majesties!"

Lucy turned and looked at Trumpkin as I continued to look at the bear. My eyes expanded in horror as the bear started to charge at us.

"RUN," I screamed.

I pulled on Lucy's hand as we tried to run away from the bear. I mentally slapped myself for leaving my sword in the boat. I looked behind me to see the bear was getting closer. Susan grabbed her bow and one of her arrows and was prepared to shoot.

Susan shouted at the bear, "Stay away from them!"

The bear didn't listen as it charged faster at us. As we ran away from the bear, Lucy lost her balance and pulled me down as she fell. Peter was scared to see his little sister and his girlfriend in danger. Susan was trying to concentrate as Edmund was yelling at her.

"Shoot Susan, shoot," he shrieked.

I covered Lucy's body with mine to make sure if someone was going to get hurt, it will be me and not her. Lucy screamed as the bear stood right in front of us with its paws up ready to slash us. She laid her head in my chest as I held her waiting for claws to slash my back.

I heard a thump like something fell to the ground. I lifted my head to see the bear was lying on the ground, dead with an arrow in his chest. Lucy and I looked behind us expecting to see Susan without an arrow, but to our surprise... it was Trumpkin. He shot the arrow and saved us.

Edmund and Peter ran up to us and pulled us up. As Edmund was comforting his sister, Peter placed his arm around my waist. I laid my head in the crock of his neck. I was shivering really hard. I couldn't believe that the bear nearly attacked Lucy and I. I looked at Peter to see his face was stone cold as he pointed his sword at the bear and still held me close to him.

As Susan and Trumpkin walked up to us, Susan asked, "Why wouldn't he stop?"

Trumpkin rolled his eyes at her and answered, "I expect he was hungry."

As Trumpkin walked up to the bear Lucy Mumbled, "Thanks."

Trumpkin looked at her before I said, "Yeah, thank you for saving us."

He stared at me and nodded his head. Edmund lowered his sword when a thought came to his head.

"He was wild."

"Wait, what? I thought all animals in Narnia could talk and understand us," I said.

Peter looked at me before answering, "I don't think he could Katie. I don't think he could talk at all."

Trumpkin snorted before saying,"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that's what you become." My eyes widen when I saw him reach for his knife. Trumpkin looked directly at me when he said, "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remembered, Queen Katie."

I covered my face in Peter's neck so I wouldn't see Trumpkin skin the bear. I felt Peter kiss my forehead and rub my back slowly. What is happening to Narnia?

And there you have it. Another chapter done! Remember to vote, review, and check out my Polyvore page! Until next time...


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