Saving Trumpkin

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Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter. Remember to vote and review! If you want to see my posters or what Katie is wearing in this chapter, go to my Polyvore page. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also, I do not own anything except my OC Katie.

After we changed out of our school clothes into our Narnian attire, (my dress was dark blue with a black lining) we gathered our things and decided to see what happened to Narnia when we were gone. I was walking ahead of everyone along the river when I noticed a small boat with two looking knights sitting in the boat. I turned around to see Susan walking up to me. Her eyes and my eyes widen as we saw the knights picked up a dwarf from the boat and they were ready to toss him overboard. Susan immediately shot an arrow as it hit the side of the boat. The others ran up to us as Peter and Edmund pulled their swords out.

Susan pulled out another arrow as she yelled, "Drop him!"

I could tell that the dwarf looked shocked at what Susan had just said. One of the knights had a smirk on his face as he and his friend tossed the poor dwarf in the river. Peter and Edmund dropped their swords and ran into the water to help the dwarf. The knight that had the smirk on his face pulled out a strange looking cross bow and was about to fire when Susan shot another arrow at him. Her arrow hit directly into his chest as he fell out of the boat. The other knight was very fearful as he jumped out of the boat, so Susan wouldn't shoot him with an arrow. I ran to the edge of the water and helped Edmund pulled the boat out. I looked up to see Peter already pull the dwarf out of the water as Lucy ran to the dwarf and cut his bonds with her knife. The dwarf pulled his gag off as he spit out water from his mouth. Susan smiled at me knowing that she saved this dwarf from drowning.

As the dwarf looked up at us, my eyes widen with disbelief. Standing before us was the same dwarf I saw in my dreams. I realized that my dreams were real. Lucy nudged me and looked at me with a concern look on her face.

"I'll tell you later," I whispered to her.

She nodded her head and smiled at me. We looked back at the dwarf who was now glaring at us, mostly Susan.

"Drop him! That's the best you can come up with?"

Susan looked extremely shocked when she heard what he had said to her. Here she was, expecting a thanks for saving his life, but all he did was accusing her for saying 'drop him.'

"A simple thank-you would suffice," she said while glaring at the dwarf.

The dwarf was still glaring at Susan as he hissed at her, "They were doing fine drowning me without your help."

Peter was now getting angry at the dwarf when he said to him, "Maybe we should have let them."

"Peter," I whispered as I elbowed him to be quiet. The dwarf bowed his head like he was ashamed at what he had said. I looked back at the dwarf and asked, "What's your name?"

The dwarf looked at me curiously before answering, "Trumpkin. My name is Trumpkin."

Lucy smiled at Trumpkin before saying, "It's nice to meet you Trumpkin, but why were they trying to kill you anyway?"

Trumpkin stared angrily at the river. "They're Telmarines. That's what they do."

When we heard what he had just said, we looked at each other with confusion. I never heard of them before.

Edmund looked back at Trumpkin and said,"Telmarines? In Narnia?"

"Who are the Telmarines," I asked.

Trumpkin stared at me like I was completely crazy. "Who are the Telmarines?Where have you been for the last few hundred years?"

"It's a bit of a long story," Lucy said as she smiled at him.

I handed Peter's sword back to him as Trumpkin noticed the hilt of the sword. Trumpkin's eyes widen as he looked right at us, as if he was studying us for the first time.

Trumpkin sighed as he said, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it? You're the kings and queens of old? And you're the Protector aren't you?"

"Yeah, that us," I said with a smile.

Peter held his hand to Trumpkin to shake as he said, "High King Peter... the Magnificent."

Trumpkin looked at Peter's hand like he didn't know what he should do. Susan and Edmund started to laugh at the situation.

"You probably could have left out the last bit," whispered Susan.

"You think," Edmund whispered back.

Trumpkin chuckled at both Edmund and Susan's comment. "Probably."

Peter slightly glared at Trumpkin as he drew his sword out of its shield."You might be surprised."

Trumpkin looked at the sword as he said,"Oh, you don't want to do that, boy."

"Not me. Her."

I looked right at Peter as I realized he was talking about me. I smirked as I drew my sword out of its shield. I was excited but yet surprised that Peter wanted me to fight Trumpkin. I bet he remember our first sword battle when we were at Aslan's Camp, which I totally beat him. Peter handed his sword to Trumpkin who slowly reached for it. As he grabbed the handle, he dropped the sword in the sand. Edmund chuckled at how ridiculous Trumpkin was doing with the sword. I looked back at Peter and winked at him. I know I'm going to win this one. All of the sudden, Trumpkin swung the sword right at me. Thankfully, I blocked it with my sword. I ducked when his sword swung right at my head; he uses the sword's handle to hit my forehead. I almost fell down from the impact I had to step back from the hit.

Lucy nearly jumped forward to help me, if it wasn't for Peter who stopped her by grabbing her arm. She looked so scared to see if I was hurt as she yelled, "Katie!"

Trumpkin sarcastically said to me, "Aww, you alright?"

I glared at him and hissed, "Shut up."

We started circling each other, as he tried to swing his sword at me again. I blocked it and I was able to kick his butt. As he tumbled a little, Lucy giggled at the site right in front of her. Trumpkin glared at me for humiliating him, as I just smirked right back. He slashed at my feet, but I jumped off the ground so he wouldn't hit them. I knew it was time to end this, so I started to slash his sword five times before the sword flew right out of his hands. The sword landed on the sand with a thump. I pointed my sword right at him as he fell down to the sand staring right at me.

"Sorry, but looks like I win," I said with a smirk.

Trumpkin looked up at me in awe. NOW HE FINALLY REALIZES WHO WE ARE! I looked back at Peter and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and my heart began to melt. I stared back at Trumpkin to see him still star stuck. I lowered my sword and offered my hand to him. He slowly reached for my hand and I pulled him up.

"Beards and bedsteads! Maybe that horn worked after all," he whispered.

Susan looked at him all confused as she asked, "What horn?"

I thought for a moment before it dawned on me. I looked straight at Susan and said, "I think he means your horn Susan. Your horn must have brought us back to Narnia!"

And there you have it. Sorry if the ending is not that good. Please remember to vote and review! Until next time.


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