Chapter 2: A unknown object in the sky

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------------------^Reason why is on the side^---------------

OK so everyone who is reading this should be happy that I wrote this right away. I would have had it up soon but the paper where I was started to write it got taken up so i had to start all over. So I hope you enjoy!!!!!


I was looking for my best friend Kalka (pronounced Kay-la), she’s a monkey. Were playing hide and go seek and I was it so I was looking for her. All of a sudden I ran into her “Oh my, are you OK? Did I hurt you?”  She replied back “Yes I’m OK and no Mia I didn’t get hurt but while I was hiding in a tree I saw a really big bird but it wasn’t really a bird because it’s bigger and it’s all white!!”

“Why don’t we go and ask my mom and dad” Kalka replied back with a nod. We than took off running, well I was running and Kalka was swing from branch to branch, to the den. Shortly after we came to a stop in front of my parents, “Mom, Dad Kalka has something important to tell you.” I gave Kalka a quick nod meaning she could talk to them now.

“Your majesty’s w—“My mom interrupted saying “Please dear just call me Liz and my husband Daniel like we told you the last six time” Kalka nodded and started again “Liz, Daniel, as I was saying while I was playing hide and go seek with Mia I went up a tree knowing she wouldn’t find me quickly until she didn’t find me on the ground.

But when I looked up I saw what looked like a great big bird but I knew it wasn’t a bird because of how big it was and it was all white looking.” She paused to take a breath and then continued “so I climb down the tree as fast as I could when I started to run I then ran into Mia and I told her what I show and she suggested to came and tell you because you might know what it is.”

My dad than said “Send are best listing birds up their so we know what it is.” As he was saying this the birds were already in the sky. A few minutes later the birds came down and all of them said to my parents “Your majesty’s” and they all bowed before the leader spoke. “There are four creatures that are the same as Princess Mia saying that they are going to land in 5 minutes to explore this island that was unknown to them until now.”

Three minutes after that message was deliver they all heard a loud noise unlike no other.

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