Chapter 7: Found my mate

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As I was finishing thinking about who my mate was going to be, Mike and I heard someone, or something yell, “HELLO.” Right after we heard that, Mike started to panic.

“Did you hear that? We should go back to the plane, if not we might die!” Mike said in a rush. I was about to respond that we weren’t going to die, but we heard a twig snap. We quickly turned our heads in the direction of the sound. I started to take a deep breath. As I was breathing in I smelled the most beautiful smell ever. It smelled like strawberries, and coconuts.

I found my mate! I was so excited, but my excitement started to turn into concern. What was my mate doing on this unknown island? Was she injured? Was she in pain? Was she starving, or dehydrated? As millions of thoughts flashed through my head, my wolf was becoming restless. Telling me he/I would kill anyone or any animal if our mate was hurt. As I agreed with him, this beautiful girl walks out in front of me and Mike. She had brown hair like Mike, a cute round nose and lips that I wanted to kiss all day. She looked about 15 years old but I then came back from my thoughts and looked into her eyes.

I felt my eyes widen as she was saying, “Hello, who are you and what are you doing here?” Before I responded I turned to Mike and said, “I found my mate and it’s the girl in front of us.” As I finished telling Mike he started to grin like crazy. I looked at my mate and she looked scared. Mike was about to say something to her but I cut him off saying, “Hello my name is Mario and this one here’s name is Mike.” I paused and pointed to Mike so she knew who I was talking about. I continued, “We’re here because we saw this island from our plane but we never knew that this island was here.”

When I finished Mike stepped in and said, “Now that we answered your questions, may we ask you some?” She was quiet for a moment. However she then responded saying, “Yes ask away.” I had so many questions to ask her, but the most important one was that I wanted to know her name. I then made up my mind for what to ask her.

“You know our names but we don’t know yours, so what is your name?” She paused for a second but then said, “My name is Mia.” I was about to tell her that she has a beautiful name but Mike asked Mia a question before I could say it.

“What are you doing on this island?” She was quiet again for another moment but then answered, “I have lived on this island for ten years ever since I was five and founded by the wolves that are now my parents on the shore. Also I am the princess on this island because my parents who founded me are the King and Queen. I welcome you to our home.”

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