The Blame Game

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Who fault it is ? Oh is the church . Its the school . Its the teachers . Its the student . Blame being thrown all around everywhere but on yourself. Those you take responsibility . You are so grown up congratulations you did it. Your maturing/ mature . Your parents did a splendid job. They just owned the whole game shut it down game over families. They crushed it at raising you. 

                                                 But no the reason our youth is so bad is because of parents who when their child does something hit you with the excuse oh he/she is just a young child you gotta excuse them , they will learn and leave it at that . Well their young its time to teach them the right way instead of making excuses for them . Then when they get too old to be taught right from wrong or the right  morals. You wonder were you went wrong or you wonder why they behaving so. This is where self reflection is important . Or you rush into the nursery or other schools to drop them off to be someone else's problem to deal with . As soon as your child comes home and says the teacher or whoever warned them , they would be lashed and you rush up to school and say don't hit my child . 

        So the last resort of punishment became exhausted. So how is your child going to be disciplined if every option even flogging has be tired out . Then society is frustrated with the youth. I don't understand it the whole generalization of all young people being terrible. Some roses are still growing surviving among the thorns that try to choke them. You were young once , weren't there times were you misbehaved and gave adults a run for their sanity. Along the way the mistakes made and regret felt teaches a lot the few good apples who inspire others to want to be less of a troublesome bunch. Those who take to heart knowing when and were. Those who control their wildness because society can't handle it . But its personal preference . We may not understand people say society is double minded just says it like its acceptable and you should live like that but you don't you can aim to change your mindset and inspire others in society. Then we can have a fair minded society . Its not at all the teacher's fault , the churches and whoever else you chose to blame, take responsibility . If by extension you can't handle it alone don't worry you have a community who has to re-learn . To be a village and help raise the children together in unity. In order to survive in life everyone is a part of a team at work , home, community and school. There's no doing it own your own . You can sometimes and for somethings. But more work gets done when you have support and a team to help.If we still lived by a village raising a child. The children would have better communication skills, team experience and a stronger community. Through this the children would probably learn to properly talk to people instead of all this coward fighting.   

   Yes coward fighting for example : Sue has a problem with Zena and decides she wants to fight Zena. Sue now tells Sally,Jessie and Maria about it. At lunch they see Zena alone and Sue hits her , she hits back and now blows are really being shared and Zena is starting beat up Sue pretty bad and then in hops Sally,Jessie and Maria to beat Zena. A coward move on Sue's part . The problem between the two girls should of been left for them to work out. Her friends could of been better friends by allowing her to know voilence shouldn't be a first resort and encourage her to try talking to Zena instead. Or they could of broken up the fight seeing they didn't have a problem with Zena. Even let them fight it out themselves. Coward fighting is when you don't fight fair its when you bring back up or a weapon instead of relying on your on natural fighting ability. It is seen among adults as well.

 Well today we embrace some of our flaws and we get rid of some or dial it down. we should always remember to self reflect and make time for others and keep the team spirit alive. Advice we ignore comes back to bite us when we make mistakes and have deep regret. Overthinking makes life seem even more difficult than it really is . Once you've got God as your guide and a team by your side everything you were blinded in seeing a silver lining in seems clearer. Its good to be confident but being over confident can make you seem cocky and people dislike that. One of your biggest enemies can be yourself and the negative self image and doubt about your abilites can be a heavy burden to carry. Get rid of it and get out there in your community and make it blessing to have you around. Aim to inspire and learn from others . Through trying to achieve this we can better on communities. Team work makes the dream work . Said by a wonderful person. You don't have to rush your brush . If you do you will spill the paint. These types of changes take time . But when it is succeed it just feels so fulfilling. Everyone of us has a role to play in this world . We all have our time to shine like the sunbeans we are for God. When you pray don't always ask don't forget to thank. Let it flow from the heart you don't have to quote a pray from something . Just remember he is indeed a friend also. Have a blessed 50 years . Celebrate but don't forget the history,heritage and culture when the year continues . Remember it all year round not just black history month independence but always. Stay humble and remain ever grateful for what you have.



Barely b

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Yeah man support ya own families . A team this bout all a we dis gine b we thing. We gotta spread de word .

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