Chapter 1: The New School

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(The hair,facial features and body type is how I pictured Aubrey.)

I park my white BMW near the school and started walking towards it.

The school looked new with no graffiti on it and nothing looks damaged.

I enter the office. There's some chairs to my left and a hallway with doors to my right. In front of me is a desk with a lady that looks to be in her mid 30s. I walk to the desk and at that minute the phone rings.

"One moment sweetie." She says.
The lady has brown hair with curves and no wrinkles on her face.

"OK see you later. What do you need honey?" She says in a cheerful voice.

"I'm here for my schedule, ID, and a map of the school." I say in a monotone voice, remembering how many times I've had to say that same sentence just this year.

"Is your name Aubrey Ross?"

"Yup that's me."

"OK here's all the stuff you need. Your first class is right up these stairs to the right." She says pointing to some stairs behind her.

"Thank you very much."

"No problem. Wouldn't want to get lost on your first day."

I smile and start to walk up the stairs. There is the classroom and I check my schedule if its the right room. And it is.

'Here goes nothing' I think to myself.

I knock on the door and almost immediately someone opens the door. I go into the classroom hoping everything goes well.

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