Chapter 3: New Teachers

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My next class is history. Usually I fall asleep in that class. But today its different.

The first thing I notice is how neat, organized, and clean it is. The desk are in neat rows. So far I see no trash on the floor. There was also a schedule on the board of what we were doing this whole week.

"Neat freak much." I said to myself.

"He is a neat freak." Someone whispered to me next to my ear.

I jumped up and saw it was the boy who was looking at me in keyboarding class.

"My name is Sam by the way." He said extending his hand out to me.

"I'm Aubrey." I said taking his hand and shaking it. Then an alarm went off in my head. 'Don't make friends because in the end you have to say goodbye. Just say you need to ask the teacher where your desk is and walk away.'

"Well I got to go and ask the teacher where my desk is. See you around Sam." I said and walked away.

"Oh, OK bye. And by the way his name is Mr. Bayless." He said looking disappointed.

I went to the desk where the teacher was at.  His back was toward me looking at something.

"Excuse me." I said.

"Yes, how can I help you?" The teacher says while turning around.

He had grey hair (perfectly parted through the middle), perfect teeth, glasses, and had a little bit of wrinkles on his face.

"I would like to know where my seat is please." I said smiling.

He stood up and saw he was tall. He was like 6 feet. He pointed at my seat and my now new partner was non other than (DRUMROLL ) Sam. He smiled at me, 'Whoopee me!' I thought sarcastically.

I went of sit next to him and he said, "I guess we were going to see each other sooner than later." I didn't say anything.

"Class we have a new student. Her name is Aubrey. Can you please stand up. And one question."

I stood up and said, "What's the question?"

"What baseball team do you go for?" He said and everyone looked at me.

"Dodgers." The minute those words were out of my mouth all hell was loose. First Mr. Bayless yelled out to me how I picked a good team. And then Sam told me how I could be a Dodger fan. Then this other kid yelled out Dodgers sucked and how Angels were better. Then everyone fought over which team (Angels or Dodgers) was better.

Then Mr. Bayless yelled, "Everyone quiet." Everyone went quiet. "I know everyone in here either likes Dodgers or Angels but you can fight over it outside of class. Right now we need to start the lesson. And thank you Aubrey for being part of the Dodger family."

I sat back down and then Mr. Bayless said, "OK everybody today we will be watching a video..."

The class went by fast and during this time I found out we could eat in the class and have our phones out, as long as we worked on our assignments. Then at the end of the class when the bell rang Mr. Bayless let all the girls out first then the guys. Before I left Sam said bye. I said bye and walked out.

Now I was in science. The teacher was the opposite of Mr. Bayless. He was fat (no offense but he was), had circle glasses like Harry Potter (HARRY POTTER REFERENCE), gray messy hair, and he was pretty old. His name was Mr. Morse.

"Class we have a new student. Aubrey over there in the corner. Now let's start the lesson." He said quickly.

'Rude.' I thought. 'This class is going to be like hell.' And honestly it was. We had to read a boring lesson from a book that I didn't have. Science felt like it would never end but it did finally.

My last class was cooking class. 'I've cooked before I mean how hard could it be.' I thought

Very hard was the class actually. Even thought it was my first day everyone else already knew how to make a cake (from scratch) and how to decorate. I've made cookies before but the dough was already made.

So today the teacher was teaching me how to make dough while everyone else had to make cookies and taste them.

When school ended I got my stuff and literally ran to my car. Before I got to my car I felt as if someone was staring at me, but when I turned around no one was there.

'Probably just me' I thought while getting in my car.

When I got to the apartment I made myself a sandwich and just lay in my bed thinking about the day. 'Hopefully tomorrow is better, because today felt like hell.'

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