School. Just another problem in the way. With all these werewolf incidents and finding out you have a brother and a whole bunch of other crap school has not been on my mind. Right now I'm at school thinking of just dropping out. I have too many things going on. I could do online courses but of what?
See another problem that has caught up to me. While we were traveling I never thought of a future job. My life always consisted of us moving and not making friends and ugh I can't even think. It's been a week since those bastards became friends. Michael and Thomas have been hanging our a lot but not so much Sam. Speaking of Sam I haven't seen him all week wonder where he's gone. The bell rings I get up to leave. Finally I can go home! I think.
Then this happens:
"Hey Aubrey I need to talk to you." says Ms.Stone.Turning around I put a fake smile on and say, "Sorry but can we make this quick I have to be somewhere."
"Where if you don't mind me asking?" she says looking at me.
"Doctors appointment." I say annoyed. Jeez can she just tell me what it is before I explode!
"I'll make it quick. I got a call. It was from your aunt." she says sorting papers. Can you like hurry up I can hear my bed calling me.
"She said to go to her house immediately after school she has to tell you something important. But I'll call her and say you can't-" I interrupt her.
"Don't worry I'll call her right now and explain to her about the Doctor's appointment." I say backing up.
"Oh OK. Have a good day Aubrey." I walk very quickly out of there.
Why couldn't she have texted me or something? Might as well go over there. But if it's not something important I'm going to kill her for taking me away from my bed.
I get to my car and drive over to her apartment. When I get there there my aunt is outside waiting for me. I park right in front of her on the sidewalk. "You wanted to see me?" I say leaning on my car.
"Yeah. I'm sorry this is going to be very sudden but I got to go." I'm confused.
"What do you mean by got to go?"
"Aubrey." she says tears in her eyes. "My next photoshoot is in Europe. I have to be there in a few days or they'll cancel me. The company called me in and said to leave immediately or I'd loose my job. I'm so sorry I tried to ask for more days but they wouldn't let me." now she starts to cry and she pulls me in for a hug.
I hug her back fiercely not ever wanting to let go. She can't be leaving. She's my everything. She was there for me whenever. She can't leave. "I love you. Please don't go. I'm still not ready. I need you here. Your my backbone." I say tears in my eyes threatening to spill.
"I'm so sorry baby but I have to go."
"No you can't. I won't let you leave. Auntie please don't leave me alone here with him. I still don't know all about it I'm going to need help." The tears are falling and quick I can't believe it.
"You can call me. And if anything bad happens I'll be there in a second. But now I have to go. I love you." she pulls back from the hug and someone touches my shoulder. Looking back I see Michael. I hug him and cry into his shirt. He brushes my hair softly letting me cry.
"Aubrey." My aunt says I turn around. "Listen to me when I say this. Fight for what's right and never give up. OK?"
I nod and try to smile. "I love you auntie." I tell her pulling her into a last hug.
"I lov-" she starts to say when a man out of nowhere appears and says, "We have to go the plane leaves in 30 minutes and the drive is long." he pulls her out of my arms and puts her in a car.
"No!" I scream and try to run to her but am held back.
"Aubrey. She has to go come on." Michael tells me softly.
"No she can't leave me! She has been like a second mom for me. No! Let me go!" I scream watching the car leave. When I finally can't see the car is when I stop trying to get away and collapse into Michael's arms crying.
"It's going to be OK. Shh. Everything will be alright." he soothes me a little with these words.
He puts me in my car and starts to drive to I'm assuming his house. That will never be home. My home was with my aunt wherever she was was my home now I am lost. Like a person without their shadow. She was always their for me. For my first nightmare, my first roller coaster, first plane ride, my first real family. Michael grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly.
My knees are up to my chest and I know my eyes are red and puffy from crying. "You know what the worst thing about all this?"
He looks surprised but says, "What?" his voice filled with curiosity.
"The worst part is that I may never see her again. With her travelling so much and her tight schedule she won't have time to come visit. She'd have to quit her job." I say in a small voice.
He doesn't respond. We get to his house and he parks the car. Turning around he looks at me and gives me a soft gentle kiss. "Aubrey. It pains me to see you like this. I know this is hard for you believe it's happened to me before." I stay quiet listening. "But I know one things for sure she wouldn't want you to be crying. She would want you to be happy to carry on to not worry about her."
He kisses me one more time and if possible even more gentler than last time. "And remember I'll always be there for you. Always." he smiles at me.
"Are you trying to get me to kiss you by saying a Harry Potter quote?"
"If I said yes would you consider it?" he says with mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Well I guess you could say Mischief Managed." And then I kissed him it was a sweet passionate kiss.
Pulling back I said, "Now enough with the lovey dovey stuff I have a bunch of homework to catch up on and some." he groans.
"Just one more kiss." he says.
"Nope. Not until all my homework plus the some is done and completed."
"Fine." he says and gets out. I get out chuckling at him. We go into the house and I check the time. It's 3:27. I go upstairs and get started on homework leaving only to get a snack and later on dinner. Which is amazing and leaves me craving for more.
It's 10 when me and Michael decide to go to bed. I brush my teeth and get into some comfortable pj's. When Michael gets into the bed he immediately pulls me closer to him and kisses the back of my head.
"Hey Michael."
"Hmm." he says his face in my neck.
"How did you know I liked excuse me loved Harry Potter?"
"Your backpack says it all sunshine." he says in a sleepy voice.
"Have you read the books?"
"No but I've seen the movies."
"I can't believe you." I say.
"I can't believe we're arguing about this. I'm a Potterhead. Now let's go to sleep." he says clearly annoyed.
"If you're so sure about yourself. Answer this question In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where does the Knight Bus drop Harry off?"
"The Leaky Cauldron." he says immediately. "That one was easy hit me with your best one!" he says confidently.
"Are you sure I don't want to hurt your feelings when you don't get it right?"
"Positive. Now what's the question?"
"OK here goes. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, who orders a cherry syrup and soda with ice and umbrella from the Three Broomsticks?" I look at him smugly.
Michael looks lost and speechless. And I've heard he's rarely either of those.
"A true Potterhead would know that one in under 10 minutes. I knew it the first 5 minutes of when it was asked. Now goodnight. You can tell me the answer whenever you figure it out." With that I get comfortable and drift off to sleep.

The New Kid
WerewolfMy name is Aubrey Ross. When I was 7 years old my parents died in a car accident. I have no other living relatives except my aunt Lily so I started to live with her. She was a photographer and a very famous one. We would move every month so she coul...