Chapter 23 Broken

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Bella doesn't think and just flings her purse as James then grabs my arm and forces me to run with her towards the door.

I'm not thinking straight, I can't think straight. I need to get Bella out of here.

"Excellent! An escape attempt!" James exclaims and beats us to the door. I freeze as I look into his red eyes allowing him to toss me aside and grab Bella. "It'll break Edward's little heart." James turns to me and the look in his eyes paralyzes me. "And your failure to save her will make him snap your pathetic neck."

James grins and inhales Bella's hair as he strokes her neck. Bella stares at me with pleading eyes but I just can't move.

"Edward has nothing to do with this," Bella stammers out trying to stay brave.

"He will. His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you,"James chuckles. I notice Bella grab her mace from her pocket slowly. He doesn't notice, he's having to much fun.

Bella sprays him in the face making him pause so she can escape from his grip and run.

"Reyna run!" Bella screams but I don't hear it. James grins and leaps over er landing right in front of her. He easily flings her across the room making her smash into a mirror column. The glass breaks and pours over her. James gets the whole thing on film.

Her cry of pain makes me see red and I launch myself at him.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" I yell and shove him back into a mirrored wall. It smashes to pieces making me grin. "I am stronger than you!"

"Ah but you're also terrified and naive," he counters and sprint right into me. I go flying back and hit the archway before landing harshly to the ground.

Agony rips through my body and floods my nerves. My arm, my ribs, my back.

"Beautiful! Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well," James declares and pans the camera around. He seems unfazed by my attempt at an attack. James ignore me and stalks towards Bella who's hopelessly incapacitated.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" I screech and shakily attempt to get up. James ignores me as if I'm some hapless bug he just flicked off.

"Still stubborn, aren't you? Is that what makes you special? Because frankly, I don't see it," James muses and kneels by her. He inhales deeply and sighs. "Too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you. Instead, he kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel, really."

With all my strength I run at James and body slam him into the ground. Frantically I claw at his face trying to get a good hit in. He holds by hands back and smiles at me.

"And you Reyna, poor Reyna. You aren't even special to them. You're just here because of Bella. It's too bad really that they don't care about you. You're not family she is. Your death won't cause them any sadness at all," James laughs and throws me off. I cry out when I roughly hit the ground again.

I hold back tears, it only hurt because what he says is true. I can't let him know that he got to me.

He gets up, grabs the camera and puts it back on Bella.

"Well done! You've succeeded in annoying me," James says sarcastically and stomps on Bella's shin. A sickening crack echoes through the studio followed by Bella's wounded scream.

"Stop! Stop!" I screech desperately.

"Tell Edward how much it hurts," James orders and sticks the camera in her face. "Tell him to avenge you."

"No! Edward, don't!" Bella whimpers out.

James sniffs the air and sighs. Bella's blood is pooling around her leg. He turns the camera on himself .

"Cut! The end," he states just as I get an idea. I grab a shard of glass from one f the shattered mirrors and drag it across my arm pushing down hard to make sure it breaks the skin. Blood immediately spurts from it.

The smell of my blood instantly fills the air and drags James attention from Bella to me.

I weakly smile and let my head drop to the floor in exhaustion.

I said I'd die for her.

James appears above me instantaneously and bites into my arm.

I let out a wail of pain and struggle against his iron grip.

Slowly I stop fighting as I get weaker and weaker. My eyes droop and I let myself go limp.

Bella is right dying in the place of someone you love is a good way to go.

A/N: *cue evil author laugh*

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